keran & shy_

i was checking around and i saw those 2 germans arnt banned yet

but they used same hax same reason as fost and other did who did got a bann ( even 6 months to long)

why is this dildo community definding there germans ? they have the same rights like everyone has. so lunachick or who thefuck you are and bulldog they need to get this bann to, unless you like them or what ever the reason is, cuz cheating is cheating right

and for tosspot: fost cant come cpc2 cuz he cheated

well there wont be cpc3 for our yermand friends then

Edit: It seems u like them if this is already 2rd post of 'em :E
idd! (im banned to) >:/
Germany keran
Germany &
Germany _shy

gg teh 3 yermans, loled!
and you are? ahh jackie, the racist
idd, ban the yermans
hax = hax
and haz = ban

who ever he is !
moraalridder :P
were they both actually caught?
Yawnwarnings, no PBSS like with foSt.
They are caught 100 per cent! The ban requests are already submitted. Just waiting to the acceptance.
would have never of thought it from keran... oh well :(
I don't think that they have cheated permantly... They "just" tried it...
you mean, they just *tried* it? :D:D
Well, I just wanted to leave you something to correct. To remember the old times. :D
mmm shy was i though, keran was only guide(3months also isnt it) ?
keran and shy the 3 germans? omg u are so retarded...

and if they dont get banned it is because they are germans.. u have to understand that we are better than others and have higher rights.. pls tollerate and accept that.
Yeah, like ref decisions at football worldcups.
1 + 1 = 3
He was thinking of Germany butchji or Germany Hatred.
idd so damn true, ban ban ban :D
idd !!!

may whole cpc3 get cancer if they dont get banned
afaik bulld0g is working on the bans...
Please ban.

"They are highskill without cheats", but so what?
"They play at LANs and therefor dont cheat", but so what?

They played on a LAN so they dont cheat? Let me guess, your lazy to use your brain? Why should everyone who played on a LAN not cheat in the Internet?
I just quoted others, use your brain yourself, moron.
They played on a LAN so they dont cheat? Let me guess, your lazy to use your brain? Why should everyone who played on a LAN not cheat in the Internet?

+ they are not highskill, 1 is mid+, 1 is low+
then u are low- i guess ...

comon get real shy played on a high level before u ever played anything online (he played every year on some german LaN´s and did realy well (yes there was some good teams to))

keran rised his skilllevel from year to year ...

not like rocky or some other new talents ...
no ban is too long
lifetime ban 4 cheater
i am not banned at CB either, nanananan :P
who cares about u?
Noone, since i dont play there anyway =)
who cares about u?
who cares about u?
who cares about u?
yes they need a ban same like every other cheater

exept admins to scared to post here or smthig :S
if i was an admin i would ban you!!
What I was thinking :}
helo jackie
bulldog is processing them and said it's 90% probability that they will get banned...

what happens for zP! matches is another story
forfeit loss for all the matches they played in. Gutted!
Nothing. As they will get banned for cheating on a public server.
razz didn't get caught playing offis either. But imo the punishment for hx was too harsh anyway
same for Netherlands mize x<
halo jackie aKa mr iq!
omg, why you dont let cheaters to cpc?
this is then a good proof and the team bringing along the "cheater" is also handicaped
And this is gonna help? What can we do about it? Bulld0g and his crew are putting much time into preparing all the bans for CB, from there on it's up to the CB chiefs, who have a lot of other work to do.. not just handling ET bans. And then I'm not even talking about real life. Sit down, be nice and have patience.

Let me add that these two ban requests in particular have been submitted to clanbase. The rest of the responsability is for Moadebe / Iceblokje / donex at clanbase. Go bother them, we have done our job.
They should get banned.
Hij heb wel gelijk :)
bibuy keran & shy
and pls dont forget to ban this team plasa hacker nerds thx
Its the real deal
when did they use it?
just out of curiosity as I dont know much about the incident xD
I vote for ban
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