6 Easy steps to making a bowl of cereal..
24 May 2007, 00:23
Step 1. Take bowl from cupboard.
Step 2. Remove cereal from cupboard and pour into bowl.
Step 3. Retrieve spoon from drawer.
Step 4. Get the milk from fridge.
Step 5. Pour over your cereal.
Step 6. Eat your cereal.
Now you have learned my 6 easy steps to making a bowl of cereal may you never go hungry again!
Step 2. Remove cereal from cupboard and pour into bowl.
Step 3. Retrieve spoon from drawer.
Step 4. Get the milk from fridge.
Step 5. Pour over your cereal.
Step 6. Eat your cereal.
Now you have learned my 6 easy steps to making a bowl of cereal may you never go hungry again!
Tutorials imo.
Step 1. Eat your cereal.
Step 2. Pour over your cereal.
Step 3. Get the milk from fridge.
Step 4. Retrieve spoon from drawer.
Step 5. Remove cereal from cupboard and pour into bowl.
Step 6. Take bowl from cupboard.
And then after that dont you usually go blow up some cofee shop in omagh? pease correct me if im wrong.
Do you even know what you are going on about?
My cereals are already on the table. :((((
OMG I'M GONNA STARVE!! helpzzzz!