about sol

Quotekot on 23/05/07, 23:12:50 GMT

On the contrary, sol said that he will tighten this match a bit.

Adi on 24/05/07, 05:47:20 GMT

True. A Shame he's gonna play :(

kazzam on 24/05/07, 15:56:02 GMT

Sol's playing??? wtf?

thought he won't play :S

Who won't play?

Apparently people are starting to think it's cool to flame on Sol saying he's to blame for the fact that dignitas isn't playing so well anymore. Now that's just utter bullshit. I know it's not my task to stick out my neck for other people and of course I know Sol is perfectly capable of taking a bit of criticism from little kiddies, but I think he deserves more respect then he is currently receiving. And I would love to see all the people I'm talking about shutting their mouth about this great player.

If the results of a team drop you shouldn't blame one player.

*EDIT* Just a short look at all the events he participated on with the teams he played for is enough to prove any flamer wrong. Now just SHUT THE FUCK UP

*EDIT2* As two guys have just recently commented, dignitas also lost without him so indeed theres no ground left to blame sol.
my respect to Ireland sol!
i think the fact that tlr won today practically proves that it was not at all sol's fault :)
wel dignitas just lost without sol so no need to flame him
this conversation was about aCoZz, who said:

Quote by aCoZzI'll make sure we lose

after that Adi posted

QuoteDignitas will take this.

aCoZz has promised to help loosing this match!

and the conversation you posted followed. So you mis-interpreted this I guess ;)

Going for what you're saying, I agree :D
I almost kept my word they way I played frostbite defense. :D

I made up later tho! :>
After Adi posted that kot replied with that on the contrary sol said he was going to tighten the match. As you can see in my quote ;)
Ah, I now see :D Couldn't get it because Sol didn't play.
Please, Sol is just a big fat noob !!111!!1 :o)))
Poland sol is the man!
Of course if you had to choose between the two even I would go for Night, but that says more about Night then it does about Sol. He is a very experienced and good player who adds value to any team.

And to simply say that it's a shame that he's playing is ruthless.
no sol no win
I don't think so. If Night could play, and he actually did against TLR and they still lost, that would be an upgrade to the team since Night is one of the best players ET has ever known. But playing with sol in the line-up still makes dignitas a top team. And therefore you can't say it's a shame that he's playing.
sol'd nothing but a dirty, sneaky little m&m bastard.
Then you say that he doesn't fit in like Night. But you can't say it's a shame he's playing. That's just inappropriate. He deserves more respect. Just take a look at his achievements...
You can say it's a shame he's playing and still not blame him for every single thing that goes wrong in Dignitas...
no you would say it's a shame night isn't playing, not that sol is playing
Yep you're right =) I'm wrong!
totally agree
by making this into a journal you made more of a deal of it than it even was so fuck you imo
and wtf are you doing on crossfire?
downloading your config !
:O) here @ crossfire and not playing Rose Online?! Are you ill??
You're talking nonsense.
sol is bestest.
now why blame sol? why not congratulate him, i personally dont like the players in dignitas except urtier. THX SOL
I dont like r3vers either, that guy is always so fucking stoned and he doesnt add me to his xfire buddylist, I e-hate him.
I'll add you, now stop whining!
stop talking about my car plx
Let's hear a big old "WE CARE" kthx

edit 1: Flaming back at flamers is THE best solution to fix this.

edit 2: Welcome to Crossfire, the definition of flame.
Why should Keran & Shy deserve more respect then Sol?
And yes, you should have some respect for players with a lot achievements, because not everyone can achieve something like that. If you don't respect them you only look like a yealous person.
olololol this journal is about the famous sol *sing*

sol is dignitas jointed doll *rhyme*
It's not because you dislike someone, you can't respect him.
Imo this discussion is fucked up because you don't understand the real meaning of 'respect'.
sol is 2 busy 2 play
he has to beware the liberty of xfire
Your age would be?
You know, I really thought you were a nice person.
But saying that cheaters deserve respect is bullshit and bullcrap. :D
It's all sol's fault! I also blame his mum.
sol deserves the flame aslong as he acting such arrogant @cF tbh&imho
you can say it's a shame that night is not playing but you can't say it's a shame that sol is playing as he always did a good job and i wouldn't call him worse than the rest of dignitas. It's just about night who is missing as he's the "heart" dignitas and it's not about sol as there is probably noone who could replace night in dignitas.
wp sol, keep good work;)

ego player whine @ sol ROFL!

gl and hf@future sol
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