The mobile again

Stolen from a post by Spirea:

"I have said this earlier but I will say it again. Mg isn't the problem, the Problem is that MG doesN'T have damage falloff... so basically, the further u deploy the mg the more effective it is"

I think this would be a good compromise - using damage falloff but don't remove the gun since it's impossible on far distances on radar for example to compete with the mobile.

[ironie] maybe we should do damage falloff for panzer? [/ironie]
so true
me wants longrangerockets
me wants RPG with remote controle
What the fuck you care.
hör doch mal auf rummzuheulen.
genau der selbe scheiss wie das mit der rifle...
Hmm but then the mg would be less useful, and it's already rarely used
Klingt vernünftig.
du spielst eh nicht mehr, du hast mal garnix zu melden :C
Ich freu mich schon auf die selben Diskussionen in ET:QW :DDD
aber erst nach einem jahr spielen ohne das jemand was stört :o

bzw nach 10 bugfixes :D
nur durch sowas kann sich ein spiel entwickeln. Wäre ET so wie es am Anfang wäre, würde es, imo, nicht soo viele Turniere lans geben (spam würde dominieren etc.).
Ja, natürlich helfen sie dem Gameplay, das ist auch gut so. Langweilig sind sie trotzdem. Imo muss man QW sehr sehr stark "verkrüppeln", damit es gut spielbar wird.
would be a reasonable compromise, i would hate to see maps like Bremen spoilt because of the MG being too powerful
that r one the few, rare moments where every1 is waiting for!! (except for the players of the opposing team)
remove damagefalloff @smg would be better tbH
Interesting concept, is it something thats arleady an option in etpro? Or would it need someone to make changes
It would need someone to make changes.
I am not quite sure, but due to the mg-42 heavy rate of fire, even with damage falloff it would mow you down in a couple of seconds.

Let s add the possibility to make headshots with it and no heating, just for fun ;)
i think we should just remove it tbh:<<
Damage falloff for Mortar, too!

"due to the mg-42 heavy rate of fire, even with damage falloff it would mow you down in a couple of seconds."

No it wouldn't, if the damage falloff makes it damage go to 0. FFS
get a life
I do second that.
agreed, still, removing it completely is better =D
maybe pro5 should get banz0red. :o(
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