I was trying to make an IRC script that allowed me to send message like

CLAN [<#of of player] [Now @ Yours/ours] [PM ME]

Since my bot is in diffrent channels instead of making it say

CLAN i would like it to say the #Channel from where it was sent from

ie. If #Boogie send the message it would say

#Boogie [6v6] [now@yours] [pm (Who ever send message) / instead of PM ME becuase that would be the bot not the player that send it

Anyone know the command to put so it can allow me to do this

BUMP help him out !
And I would like to have a welcome message depending on time. No clue how to do this.

For the time: use $time and if-then-else
Long time ago since I did something with irc, but I want it like:

9:00-12:00 it says: Good Morning
12:00-18:00 it says: Good Afternoon
18:00-9:00 it says: Good Night
alias scrim {
msg14,1> 9[0#Cross-Fire9] 14Searching for 9[ 0$1 v $1 9] 14in 9 [0 $2 9@0 $3 9] [0PM ME9] 14<

Thats what i have, I was hopeing the #Cross-Fire could be Replaced by any channel that im on and the PM ME be replaced by the person that send the message

When i replaced #Cross-fire with.... $chan in the message it just said

$chan [6v6] [Now] [Yours] PM ME

use $chan for the channel and $nick for the person

it has to be triggered to make it work
Farley new that this, mind explaining how?

since its a bot, i expected it to be used with trigger like !war, !help or whatever

You put /scrimfinder in the channel

and it messaged w/e channel you want [$chan] [6v6] [Now] [Ours] [PM $nick]

Im adding this to the Script editor on my ircbot.exe, or am i supposed to do something else?

Do you actually write "/scrimfinder" in the channel or is it a command? If its a command, it forces everyone who wants to use that bot to install a script or at least add the alias "scrimfinder" to their own mirc. I kinda seem to miss the sense in the latter option :P
Ye its a command, ugh... guess i was wasting my time....

Any clue were i can find a good bot/snippet for this type of thing

P.S. Thanks for the Help <3

t c l > m s l

well the easiest way would be

on *:text:!YOUR COMMAND:*: { msg $chan i will obey my master }

You can get some help there or query vai-pds he knows allot about irc scripting aswell, using google would be neiz aswell
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