spam just because you can?

image: spam_no_idea

i have absolutely no idea what purpose this spam is serving anymore - it seems like spammers ran out of reasons to spam and just kept on doing it because thats what they do ...

this is so ridiculous to spam me without any reason ...
spamming you to annoy you

kinda works
nah, arni is allways kind e.g. CPC2
i only said the truth
you were pretty dutch
<3 Adriana
u read spammails?

haha busted

die was snel
ik zou naar ettruth moeten schrijven1111
reply es wat sneller, zelfs met men proxy via japan ben ik sneller
over wat gaat dit journal trouwens?
kijk nu heb je me verraden :'(
Why I don't have spam? xD
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