Exciting stuff!

On Frops advice I bought a USB laptop cooler because if you've listened to any recent shoutcasts of mine you'll have notice my laptop over heats...ALOT, its interesting, I thought it would work by taking the hot air away from the laptop, instead it just blows it back at it, wtf is the point in that.

Funny story - I was gonna pay for next day delivery, but in the end it came the next day anyway!

I was not impressed when the DHL man rang the doorbell as LOUD as he could whilst I was sleeping. I am quite hungover and loud noises are really not appreciated.

In other news, I have upped my count of roadsigns and this time I've no idea how. Last time I acquired a roadsign there was photographic evidence of my idiocy this time I just woke up and there they are staring back at me :`(
its possible to ring a bell louder than usual?
when you feel lie shit it seems louder!
hast du schon nen tisch reserviert?
wann biste den da?
kein plan irgendwann im august

da war so ne reportage im fernsehen das die leute reservieren müssen und ne stunde zeit haben um den kram zu essen
2h aber ja da muss ich reservieren aber dazu muss ich wissen wann du vorhast da zu sein :o
1. august wochenende würd ich sagen
würd ich sagen oder is fix?
bin atm nur auf dem bnc in #crossfire on :o

kannst mich aber nicht pmmed :o join einfach #whine :]
really exciting
Turn the fan over...

In other news:

ProjectW closed :<<<<
ur title is misleading. change it to bcka from the club equipped with terrible hangover.
to many journals with that topic from tosspot :o
there really arent :`(
ye you are right most of time you are realy fancy with ur hangover topics :o
well at least you got good delivery...
i ordered a headset last wednesday and it still hasnt arrived
you cant teach an old dog new tricks?
You can actually. So, journal!
dont whine, i sent my mouse in for repairs 1 month ago. "It would only take a few days" so i didnt get a replacement.
30 days, a phonecall and 2 complain-mails later im still mouseless :<
1. Disconnect the fan.
2. Turn it around.
3. Connect the fan.
4. Ask perfo.
wauwie another ''Hey I'm TosspoT and I'm hungover'' journal
I've received a cooler for my laptop as well, from a friend, which is also blowing the air instead of sucking it, no idea why but its working I guess xD
Try this while shoutcasting
put something under your laptop ! so the heat can escape all sides
you have an alcohol problem m8. :o
bock auf nen bier?
ich nehm auch eins, und ne nase!
You sir, shouldnt drink so much.
why me? :-/
Whoops, wasnt supposed to quote you, think I clicked the reply button accidently. But it was ment for tosspot.
What is it with students and stealing signs/traffic cones lol
I stole a cone in France :O
youre always drunk or hungover arent you?
DHL = German cunts, np
You need to start "borrowing" golf flags ;o
@ Tosspot -do ur shoutcast in a fridge -no over heating fosho
How many roadsigns do you have already?
now I have 3 in total
So you've got like roadsigns fetish when you're drunk? xD
where can i find the exciting stuff??
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