Cheating attitudes

As most of you already know CB-banned players arent allowed to play in 1-day-cups.
Well, anywayFinland Mind noticed that Finland shitty is playing in even he's CB-Banned .

Mind asked cup admin Germany SPU9 why he lets shitty play and the answer was

<SPU9> i asked menso as cheatbuster chef he should know it..he said they want to i let them play

So, cheaters are allowed to play with cheatbusters, just wanted to let you know if you want to hack in officials too.

PS: KRP is recruiting one cheatbuster to attend 1-day-cups with us.

edit: goddamn im first again :O
goddamn on fire

cheatbusters are awesome

hi2u hax0rpanda
cheaterbusters have less life than cheaters!
you are dumb - i cant ban all ahckers within 10 minutes... we have to add the players to our database and stuff - and since mens0 is one of the best cheatbusters i trust him - i am not in the fucking cheatbusiness so i dont know all your fucking shit stuff - he is more involved in that business and if he said theyll play they can...additionally i cant see a shitty or someone on the list:
fucking fucked fuckers fuck stuff!
ja mich kotzt das so an - wenn jeder rumheult und alles besser weis sollen sie doch selber ihre cups machen - alles scheisse - ich hab kein bock mehr
you trust him, and don't bother to take a look at cb-bans list, nice.
He asked me about fostrum. Spu didn't know a shit about shitty. And fostrum isn't banned yet afaik.
That's just fucking ridiculous. How about adding a rule that disallows playing with cb-banned players in general? Come on, it would have been okay if you just didn't notice him, but you LET him play

PS: Am I allowed to play even im cb banned ?
i cant see a shitty on the server i cant see a shitty on the link posted above i cant see a shitty on cb and i dont have the fucking time to check the web for 2 hours for this stuff...

thx i am out - hf

and plz do your own cup if you are soo good and know all and blablabla
You just said mens0 asked you can shitty play.
No he asked me whether fostrum is busted. He didn't know anything about shitty. I've said it's ok, if he plays. Then he said that in case of fostrum plays everyone will whine. Last but not least I've answered that it doesn't matter and that he should say we allowed him as we are behind the time anyway.
Well, gotta admit that makes sense.
It's not about to excuse it. I just want make clear that spu9 has no blame.
For me this is only good. :):):) Maybe im able to play in some cup soon :oo
Yes you are becouse we (masculine_mans) trust you
"mens0 is one of the best cheatbusters" i loled
tbh, you should grow up :(((.
You use rY server, we get kicked, afterwards you start to flame on me.

Then last #1day-cup, you are making kinda new rules, gg :)
aha k and now?
you shouldnt flame on people who are smarter, more mature than you
yea, but that is not difficult to be :-)
You're asking him to jump and just because he isnt saying "how high?" you're getting on his back? Why not calm the heck down and see what they do.

I dont understand why the people in this journal are instantly getting on Spu9's back because he didnt do ONE thing you want him to do instantly. I'm sure he and mens0 will get around to your 'evidence/complaint' soon enough, but the fact is you dont pay him, so be fucking greatful to amount of cups he runs for you kids.
You think it's not corrupted at all to let his friends play with cheaters ?

You must be kidding..
so true.
This community is so fucked up, they even don't aprreciate it that people actually offer some spare time
just for banning teams :DDDDDD

*kidding btw :)
fo, i organise a #1day-cup, you leave in the final.
Then it is normal you got banned for 1 edition.
war was over already pretty much and thats nice for the enemy isnt it? They lag => i leave => they win, everyone happy?
and btw i had oc war
mate,ifyou arrange ettv etc,it is just plain stupid
spu9 gj!
true words mr crossfire!
np heliflaptor beat them anyway
1) You saw him playing on ETTV. Pure cheats...
2) Fostrum played for them and is busted as well so it was balanced
3) He isn't banned from the etcup yet and as we were too late already I didn't care
1) So what is he cheating atm? he is banned
2) Fostrum isnt banned from cb i guess
He's not banned from et-cup. Please read more carefully.
Quote 2) Fostrum played for them and is busted as well so it was balanced

pff hoe dom ben jij eigelijk?
but it is true :)
Once again. I can't speak dutch and I will never speak dutch.
1) I didn't say he cheated, it's not about that

3) I remember spu kicking me from his cup because of my cb-ban, I wasn't banned from et-cup either. And ofc you didn't care because he was in your team.

Make same rules for everyone, that was my whole point. Im not blaming you, and spu made a good call after all, but he should allow every cheater to play or no-one.
It is not up to me. The point is that he isn't banned on et-cup and spu9 didn't know the lineups. When he noticed that fostrum and shitty were playing we were already after the time so we dealed out that we just play....

It's ok for blaming me and for my attitude, but surely not spu9 as he didn't do anything wrong.
Im not blaming you, check me edit.

Even I still think your attitude against cheaters is quite weird, cheatbuster playing with cheaters?
Well, it's maybe right that I don't even do what I expect from other ones. And I am sure that spu9 had not allow them to play if he would be known before.
Quote<SPU9> i asked menso as cheatbuster chef he should know it..he said they want to i let them play

Actually he knew before the match.

Imo you (cheatbusters) made a huge mistake when you started busting competive players who cheated in pubs.
I mean before the final. We were behind the time when he got known about it. And he didn't know about shitty, just about fostrum and I've said to him that he shall let him allow to play.
I understand, but still unfair imho.
I have to admit yes.
nothing unfair there :D:D, cmon it's KRP anyway.
HaHaHa u make a realy big joke out of the whole cheatbusterthing if u as 1 of the cheatbuster playing with a busted cheater D:DDDDD

quit cheatbusting if u wont look like a total fool
...execute me!

schadenfreue > all
nope i wont u have to live with that shame :DDDD

aber mal ehrlich wie lächerlich ist das den du schreißt die ganze zeit banned die cheater und dann spielst du selber mit einem...

ist fast wie scheiss kapitalismuss und gleichzeitig sich schmieren lassen ...
1.) Schrei ich nirgendswo.
2.) Habe ich mit dafür gesorgt das er aufgrund seines etpub hack für 6 Monate gebannt wird. Die Strafe ist in 2 Monaten rum.
3.) War er bei et-cup nicht gebannt.
4.) Ist wohl aber alles keine Rechtfertigung. :(
5.) Scheiss Kapitalismus!
warum busted du dann cheater wenn du eigentlich lieber mit dennen spielst?
He? Er hat gecheated. Er hat sein Ban bekommen. Er war bei et-cup noch nicht gebanned. Ich spiele mit ihm seit 2-3 Jahren jetzt schon zusammen und weiss das er einfach ein naiver Idiot manchmal ist und Cheats probiert hat als er keinerlei Ahnung hatte von den Konsequenzen. Aber genauso weiss ich 100ig das er nicht cheated, deswegen habe ich darüber nicht nachgedacht.

Aber was soll ich sagen. Im nachhinein war es wohl falsch.
Du "Salz in die Wunde"-Streuer! :D
ja sorry wollte nur mal checken ob du so ein doppelmoraler bist :D
Quote2) Fostrum played for them and is busted as well so it was balanced

in future there will be no more backup-players but backup-cheaters to keep the balance.
better check that argument once again!
It's not about that general. Like I said before, we were behind the time so I've just said it is ok. Maybe the wrong decision but that's the way it is gone.
lol 1-day-cups SUCK ASS
hes a nice guy @ vent and i like his sister.
dont flame @ spu , hes doing a great job with his 1day 3v3 cups or et-cup.
spu is an evil guy!!!!!!111111111
this reminds me of something, and its pretty funny
Reminds you of what?
you cant handle the truth
What kind of truth? I said it was a mistake. And I had not whined about, if he had get banned or if we had kicked out of the cup, because of shitty.
Menzooo :<<
hi cheater :)
hi chuckie :>
sarcasm detector must be broken, nP
Interesting news, thx 4 the info!
a) shitty koodasi joskus 1 vuos sitten publicilla kun sil on kusta päässä
b) aina vetäny matseissa puhtaasti
c) ensam on kuningas
Mut tsekkaa cb:n armahtavat säännöt: Once a cheater, always a cheater !
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