CB rules...

can someone explain me why some teams are allowed to add players on the day of their match, whilst others need to wait over a week... (just take junk52 and dignitas as an example, they both added AzA and Kot yesterday, right before their EC Match)
mm it's led by a bunch of asslicking losers
Azatej not AzA :( and tbh although i'm a good friend of both polar and aza, it was unfair idd, and just because they're top teams exceptions shouldn't be allowed - you can't really forfeit a game at that point, but they should've just wildcarded it or forced another date if it was that bad.
whats the idea for reschudle?

dosent metter if match will be tomorrow or on a week.. if he's in then its same..
how can it be the same if they play next week with their normal lineup???
Swine's problem is that they dont need to wait when recruiting new player for finals of EC when others do..

henati answer was to make the match 1 week later.
he didnt said that the match will be played with other lineup.. if it was with the "old" lineup then why do they need to reschudle?

i just said that its dosent metter..

ye my english is good
Asslicking skillz > rules
ps. oh yeah, same thing with the well known cheater issue
cb sux
gay admins
same rules for every team kthxbye
forfeit lose imo
and cb is down right now..
I think I pointed to clanbase.com/news.php which doesnt seem to be working anymore
jaaaa dat weet ik ook wel, maar al je favorite CB paginas doen het niet meer nu :(
ja:d was me pw vergeten moest dik lang wachten voor die mail
50 cent candy shop.mp3
thats retarded.. just like guid change.. against some teams CB says yes u can change em (like 5 min before match) And against other teams no u cant change them.. rules are rules
unfair idd
stop whining, dummer hurensohn! oh no wait, you are right :P
tbh the only thing i hated yesterday eve was, that those fucking fucking fucking shoutcasters said gg in the end of the match...
I hated it more when they pushed players to "go" and "rup"
I for one think it would be way funnier if shoutcasters disconnected in the middle of a game, because they have no time left.
true. and I'd actually respect it :D
well it was a damn important game, 1000 guys were already on the ettv when all of a sudden the problem with squzz`s ping appeared.

idd it was unfair but i was happy on the other hand, because yesterday evening there has been awesome entertainment by those teams.

The loss of Tlr had nothing to do with aza or squzz. It was pritty easy to explain. First map when j52 had those problems first with squzz and perfo also toss and everybody thought, that j52 wouldnt have a chance against a team like tlr that played under perfect conditions.
tlr was already joking n stuff, i had the feeling they would have lost a little of their concentration.
aza was added to cb after the game btw, but anyways if the other team agrees on it then it's nP i guess .
This is old, 2 or 3 ec's ago our opponent did the same, even though we weren't allowed to :). That's cb, life with it
thats my point. some of them seems to be allowed and others arent.
but good that doneX knows the rules he wrote so well.
I can explain u !
SO .. j52 recruit Adacore just bcoz he is an admin of CB and nP for them now.
if they have permission from opponent no problem here imo..
it was a bit strange that razz already got his nick like
junk52/razz A-zAtej

so it seemed to me as if they were going to get aza play anyway :)

but I think if opponent agrees, then it's fine. CB should always ask the opponent first if something is ok with them, not stick with strict rules

at least TLR said it's ok if aza plays (no wonder they made a mistake there, but at least it was a fair move)
I don't know if FF allowed kot, didn't see that game from the beginning
aza only came in because of sqzz's ping, razz and aza are just good friends ^_^
yeye I know them both well :)
you have to add the player 24h hours befre a match, not a week...
24hours before "normal ladder games"...but EC / OC has different rules
just because there were 1000 peoples on radio , ETTV n' stuff and they couldn't reschedule the game
its sucks
TLR argeed so whats the prob?
It's because of Adacore, pls 12 month CB ban for abusing admin power
adacore wasn't even online
how do you know? did you ping him?
he had a graduation party for university, he came online a couple of hours later :)
Don't be too strictly. There were 11 players, 1 admin, 5 international shoutcasters, 10 polish shoutcasters and approximately 1000 viewers who waited for the match. j52 were weaken and tlr agreed to let him play. So to reschedule the match hadn't been wise.
well it s hard and sad too see this, while normal clan even @ OC playoff cant delay their matches and most of the time they re forced to play when CB forces ( sunday or deadline day).

I would like to see flexible rules too for the rest of 618 clans overall by toXic adacore and other main admins that yesterday showed to everyone how rules could be broken for critical situation, i would see them allow and respect also the critical situation of the other clans that playin CB also if it s a 7th league why they should be fucked up and waste a season if one player has a real problem while yesterday j52 / dignitas got merc for their matches.

So rules should be same for every clan , exception could be made for everyone and please do not hide beside the ETTV and coverage argument cause isn t written anywhere that top teams can break rules while normal clans are forced to play in any condition even when also them have some ETTV and coverage.
if you are liked and known clan you can do anything

and if you are not, have fun with CB rules which will screw your season
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