crouch script

I'm not one for knowing commands etc for configs or how do to stuff so I will ask. Can someone tell me how I can make a script which switches my fov from my normal (110) to 90 when I crouch, but switches straight back when I un-crouch? My crouch button is mouse 2 so not sure if that makes it easier or harder! Cheers!
bind ctrl "+vstr you suck"
set you "+movedown;cg_fov 90"
set suck "-movedown;cg_fov 110"

Ask Azatej!

bind mouse2 "vstr crouch uncrouch"
set crouch "+movedown; set cg_fov 90"
set uncrouch "-movedown; set cg_fov 110"

Should be something like that, not sure it works though.

Damn, silent was teh quickerZ. ;[
I did, he said his script is just a lag script! He uses 90 fov all the time and razz isn't online I don't think.
did he told u smth about the lagscript?

is it fps or maxpackets related?
where do i put

set crouch "+movedown; set cg_fov 90"
set uncrouch "-movedown; set cg_fov 110"

in ur bind.cfg or autoexec.cfg
Below bind mouse2 "vstr crouch uncrouch"? :<

Just make sure it's all in the same config file.
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind q "+leanleft"
bind e "+leanright"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind CAPSLOCK "+speed"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind ALT "+prone"
bind MOUSE2 "vstr crouch uncrouch"
set crouch "+movedown; set cg_fov 90"
set uncrouch "-movedown; set cg_fov 110"

like so ?
doesn't seem to work
Weird, I can't get it to work either. According to tox you can't use the word "crouch" as variablename. I'll try fixing it later.
you forgot + in front of vstr, it worked then, just asked aza and he spotted it. Cheers meight! been very helpful :-)
in your probot config nP
seta couch_prone 1
stupids script ever

changing fov during infightcrouching isnt realy nice i guess :o
scelesto dusty stylee
so i guess he never use infightcrouching :]
play with 90 all the time :}
What the fuck is going on with the community? No single "ask perfo" yet. :/
hmm that script would drive me insane but gl :)

(I toggle fov with mouse button 3)
Only people from outsdie of Manchester don't get driven insane by it so it's sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssalllllll good.
and the script to become unhittable while crouching ?
need that one too :D
ive got that one now as well! ;)
Ehm, isn't that default stuff?
would be a stupid move as when you're crouching and shooting you're hitting two buttons on your mouse added pressure makes it difficult to aim as you don't have the same feeling of mobility on the mouse. You should aim to use as little mouse buttons when in a fire fight as possible.
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