biNLaden (Team-NL tag)

am i the only one who thinks that this tag is NOT that funny?

image: shot0000
ye ur the only one:D
i like it :<
haha :D
not funny
not funny
not rly funny :/
oNLine tag was better :/
oNLine is our name and that word is copyrighted to us and you may not use that word!

i shall send you a cease and decist!
elfeNLied > * :P
like elfeNLied so fanny lod kekeke -.-
idiot tag. not funny.
atleast its more original
nice pings
does it matter if its funny or not? do you feel offended? please...
well he is a terroist :x on his call many people died so pls what the reason for this tag :x its stupid and not funny :x and yes maybe some people are offended or do you know all members of crossfire ? maybe firends / parents died in terroristic acts :x who knows :x
Jesus fucking christ how I hate it when people get "offended". You people are whats going to ruin free speech and ulimately give us 1984.
I'm sick of browsing this police state!

Join the revolution:
are you more than human?
I feel offended by this tag. I recommend a full scale xfire ban for the whole Team NL, we can't possible have them insult ppl on the internetz111
hondeNLul is much better imo
NO aza NO win!
aza is ryu ? no ?
bleh, overboost is better than aza anyway so who cares
not funny
how unexpected, the people over 18 (who have brains and common sense) don't find this funny as well.
they are not all over 18 :o
i know i m a retard but i found it funny xD
omfg jihad!
you must be dutch to put such an idiot tag
Benelux* don't forgot the all Belgian vib squad using the same name as some political party. Then the crew refusing to broadcast their matches in protest.
that party was dead way befor vib used it

its another party now
I liked aNaL better :<
rofl =DDD
nice pings LAGGERS
i think, that tags is funny
i guess u are :o
i giggled a bit :p nice pings
retarded imo
it's bin ladin, not bin laden! :(
no its not.
It's spelled in both ways. But what i've heard bin Ladin is the correct spelling.

Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Ladin
god DAMNIT!! for once I agree. :P
i couldn't agree more :>
nice pings :D
best tag ever :D
It's nice. North American server, Dutch and Australian teams with a slight influence of Afghani. It's truely global this cup, ye!
i feel ashamed :o
"New Kids On The Block"
didn't even make me smile...
at least they try to make something funny instead of using stars or some other old crap
please man, what you just said is just retarted. that's not even close to funny, is it funny to have the name of a man who's guilty (in a way) of taking a lot of peoples life as a tag?
it might not be "haha" funny, but i dont see the problem...
If they had GEORGE.W.BUSH tag, u wouldnt be "offended" by it, and that man caused the death of atleast 10x the number of ppl that Bin laden killed.

Ofc, if they would have been playing with a tag saying "adolf hitler", they would have crossed a line imo. Since that guy is responsible for the deaths of millions and a systematic genocide and is linked to this game.

But playing with this tag is just a random act, and i doubt they are trying to promote his beliefs...
So does it matter how much people one man has killed to "offend" others? is bin laden a better man than hitler because he killed less? they are all shit imo...I know that they aren't trying to promote his beliefs but i still find it retarded. That's just my opinion though
im not saying he is a better man, just stating how its total hypocrite if u are offended by this tag since u wouldnt be offended if they used a bush tag or reagan tag e.g.

I dont approve with what binLaden did, and he deserves to be locked away for life, but i couldnt care less about this tag and i seriously dont get why it would be offensive.

Next journal might just aswell be :"KILLER_PL is such a retard cuz he uses the nick KILLER which basically means he links himself with ppl that kill others". I mean its just a name...
I'll just try to end the discussion now since i don't think anyone of us will benefit from it. i'd first like to tell you that i don't really got offended or anything, i just found it childish and immature. I would also find it just as retarded if they would have named themselves bush or whatever.

your example given later wasn't that good imo considering the game he's playing :p
anyway lets just end this now since i didn't get offended by it, just found it immature...

yeah agree, not rly mature :)
i never said it was funny mr retarted
neither did I say that you said that, please read it again.

Stop crying ffs, you all sound like the misfits from Harry Potter.
But instead of Voldermort its Bin Laden.
overboost > winghaven
fits their overall age
team aNaaL imo
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