How long?

a little project i've been "working" on for a week

here's the result:
(url) [full quality download]

the last part is sort of inconsistent, but i intend to get another computer for further projects
n1 especially the animation in the beginning
would have loved to see the rose rotting over like 2 weeks in fast forward :)
couldnt agree more.
the problem is that while recording i cant do much on my pc (running fullscreen games or some video editing progs causes it to stop recording. also running q3 engine games in window mode causes the taken footage to turn very dark).

once i get a crappy backup computer, doing a couple of days or even weeks records wont be a prob anymore.

and ye, i originally intended to record from blossoming to the rotting :)
amazing work, love stuff like this, keep it up!
the world says thank you.

najs !
waiting for part 2 now :)
Useless information, no clear purpose, and not useful for science or a daily situation. In other words: you're still in the race for this year's Nobel Price!
hehe interesting concept

maybe i'll give it a try
thats nice

but i'd do the "blowing up" part differently. droping it from a great height would be cool :)
i like it :o
gL at ur movie carrer :]
Nice one :)
Damn nice!
missing: new ET team
very nice! :)
intro pwns rest
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goobye
nice feedback guys

i'll definitly make some more :)
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