any website to download cheats?

Come on, TLR is only clean team, this can't be possible, I wanna cheat also, any website!?

ps: I have a brother aswell
Dignitas is clean aswell!
i just want to say i lold at

PS: I have a brother :DD

(17:37:26) (@rY`mens0) Shitty please. He must be skilled! He can't be banned. That would be so unfair! THERE IS NO 100 per cent. It coudl be done by a crocodile which hacked in his wlan!
Who knows? I heard sol's bro got caught on a pub 3 years ago with a wallhack...
in a pub or on a pub :)
Parent free 4 you
or ask perfo ? -,-
ROFL, ask perfo, lol'ed so hard about that one! :D
Nice one Bladezor
my team is clean aswell :(
idd, respect voor aRt :(
al is het maar een klein beetje :(
Jou team is gewoon zielig.

Spelen tegen med- om een egoboostje te krijgen, en als er dan iets gezegd wordt over het feit dat jullie skillfakers zijn dan antwoorden jullie dat wij dikke zielige noobs zijn. Terwijl de enige mensen op de server die zielig deden, jullie waren.
Waar de fok heb je het over
Over jou team most likely, ik ga niet tegen jou lullen over een ander team.
mag ik u ongelooflijk egoistisch vinden?
Je moet eens inzien dat niet iedereen uw exploten wil weten, en uw mening over veel dingen nog minder!
Jonge, vind gij mij zoveel egoistisch, retarded, mongoloide, lelijk, belachelijk,etc zoals ge wilt. Das u mening, maar daar trek ik mij niks van aan.
ask perfo
just hack in a game your brother plays and get him banned.
i lold @ ask perfo
ask perfos brother
Sure Mr. Morrigu server owner!
Stay together and show that retarded cheaters that ET has true fair players at the top level! Hope you win this fucked up EC!
maus is hacking aswell
I will tell ETcup admins i think he is very suspicious. If enough ppl tell we can ban fo shizzle my nizzle.
from our team you can ask chmpp for some cvars which you need to write in your cfg to get a stylish red triangle next to your name at yawn and squall for the sniper script ofc!
taking all attention away from ur hacks that allow mg to shoot through walls
didn't mAus admitted he cheated in the past ?
PLZ, don't overreact..
There are still some players around who play without cheats..
Pretty much tbh, more than there are cheaters.
I has making fragmovie111 I forgot to delete it :'(
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