Passed my exams!

Good evening crossfire....

atm i am totally glad, and got an unbelievable feeling!

13 hard years of school have gone and now today i passed my final oral exams with a "good success" (average grade under 2,0).

it was quite a hard piece of work, especially electronics was totally heavy to learn, so i had 20 topics to learn and every topic contained of 5 complex circuits or more....

i m kinda proud of myself now, cuz i passed my english exam with an A, project and major subject with an A (meassuring techniques), and electronics with a C ( =[[[ )

so in combination with writing and oral part i got: A, A, A, C, C ^^

school ended, on satureday i m about to go to summersplash for a week, meeting beach, girls n party and ofc teh sun =)))

now in october university with technical physics is waiting, but until it starts I got almost 4 months off =)

(for the Austriaaustrians: a LAN ETONLY is planned to take place in july at my home)

atm i got home from an afterparty that will be continued during the next week... they just started with hardstuff ONLY and i usually only drink beer....

well just wanted to tell you meights that, i m glad, awesome feeling,
you know i love you almost all! <3

yours sincerely

gz man :D

rly, gz :D:D:D

aaaah can't w8 till i finish school

have fun partying ;D
ofc i will =)))
totally looking forward to summersplash <3
:D make some pics or smth and post em @ xfire in a journal or smth :P
pics of today evening will also be uploaded if the photographer of tonight will wake up tomorrow.... he is one of the wodka junkies ^^
well we ll see if he survives the eve...
:D:D:D haha i wanna see :D
;P as i said when he wakes up and feels able to get up to his pc ^^
^^ "if" he survives
tbh you were pritty slow with answering now
true and this i would have in 4 seconds if the spam filter wasnt on
I'm off to bed now though, good night 2u!
i have ONE WEEK
schön gemacht du bengel!
bengel :P

danke dir =]
finished mine too 2days ago, wont know the results till 13th july. though i expect good ones :p

hf partying.
grats! same! :D
as we said now it is fucking done :D

we'll i've passed the exam like 2 weeks ago nP (7,34 btw)

and now my life is like, beach + gym + play, that will be till september, almost 4 months of vacation ! ;: D

<3 spain <3
ye i have read you post :P
well that was a one day act now.... i m so glad =]]]]]
upload ur q3 cfg pls
I finaled my oral exams with "nice try"
lolz graz! dont drink too much 8[
I have allmost 1 1/2 year to finish school, gg.

gratz to you =)
4 years here :DDDDDDD
congratulations viech :>
gratz 4 uu

german oral exam in an hour. slept 3 hours, still learning some grammar

gl to meees

who's gonna attend the LAN and where did you live again? :D
LAN will take place in Perchtoldsdorf (right under the 23 district of vienna) and in july...
gj! Hf with the freetime now!
Grats, I'm hearing tommorow if i'm passed if so i'm going for a very long vacaction in Turkey

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