tosspot not rly objective @ shoutcast

i dno if any of u guys ever wondered if toss might spy on TLR in the TLR vs pro5 game. On frostbite toss wasnt giving any tactical info about the pro5 attack or defense while he did about TLR.
some quotes 'the transmitter is completely clear' 'marv is goin the back way' 'Winghaven trying to nade the backdoor' 'winghaven is goin to side' its just as if he is leading the team instead of shoutcasting.
Anyways its pretty far fetched but i just noticed and thought it would be funny if it would be true.

Edit: Why did he take it so seriously?

tosspot is a big cunt
its true
the drama!
Haha :-D
BUSTED TOSSPOT , i still think tos is the best sc -.-
bust3d ?
respect for tosspot's work but he does too much :p
rofl 'maus goin up to the main with a nade'
synch your stream then you perhaps find similarities and understand what is going on
nah thats not it

noob ;]
Maybe he does so cause TLR are the favorites on paper, not sure though
i've got an award!
`whine just be happy that hes doing it
"retard of the year"
like pro5 could still concentrate on the game with toss talking the whole time xD
its rly easy just use push to talk when u are givin usefull infos
lol, he means they could not concentrare theirselves while tosspot is casting :P
thats what the push to talk is for.
you mean push to hear :/
otherwise you didnt get what we ment
keran is listening the shoutcast, and telling hatred :s:S:S
they are later than the match is.
Shoutcast isn't later if you don't sync it with ETTV
think about it again pls
hahahah :D
lol NooB

Edit: Why are you taking it so retardous serious?
yeah, toss should see the game with 2 min delay.
being accused for smthing he would never do would make him respond so seriously ....
what was the serious respond?
was more of a sarcastic response but you could tell tosspot didnt take it too well, but pe0p does have the biggest retard award for 2007 ! =D gratz
TosspoT said he wouldn't defend keran & shy.
I've been doing it for years, espcially on lan. Congrats you busted me.
Also on LAN? Damn you!
dont cry @ shoutcast plz.
dont cry @ journal plz.
I showed you what someone else said and you blamed me, fu :<
Something just can't be right, when pro5 win, right?

This is priceless.
i was on pro5 ventrilo and there was no tosspot around, nor an unkown 7th user!

nice to destroy a nice game, with a nice shoutcaster who is doing amazingly stuff to this community and thats the honor for it? thanks xfire community, you are just retard!

you making me really sad and angry...
i'll lower myself to your level and call u a chav. Are we even now?
Tbh.. i would never belive tosspot, who love this game and have done so much for the community would do such a thing..

i feel this journal is very wrong.
I rly dont care if he did it or not. but maybe we should implement a 2min delay for shoutcasters?
ive been thinking about that earlier. and well.. i think it wouldnt harm anything atleast.

But i know nothing about shoutcasting.. so i dunno if its even possible:<
theoretically he or any random shoutcaster could do such a thing.
It just takes someone as retarded as you to suggest I'd do it
If u would say im retarded just enough times ppl might even share your opinion.
I think the vast majority of the replies here are implying that you suffer from mental deficiencies
go on!
EDIT: what would be wrong with delaying the shoutcasters view?
I've been doing this since ET came out, longer than you've been a member on this website. I'm not about to change what I do for you, you're the first person to complain and the replies in this journal suggest you might be the last.
im not suggesting that u should quit what u are doin but just to implement a delay in shoutcaster view.
Like i said, after all these years, I'm not about to change for u
wth does that have anything to do with u?
It would be nice to setup an ettv server just for the shoutcasters, and give it a smaller delay than the ettvs for the public; this way there would be no suspicion of this kind of cheating
Is there suspicion in your mind?
Not about you, but there are many small shoutcasters in different languages that can raise many suspicions. For example an italian team could refuse to have a polish shoutcaster in the server when they are playing against an all-polish team, and viceversa, because they fear the shoutcaster is on coms with the other team.
If setting up a dedicated ettv for shoutcasters was a common practice, things would be more transparent
This journal has my name on it, so pardon me for only caring about me. If you people think I cheat then you can all go take a hike, if you think I am interested in losing the respect I thought I had earned to help win a eurocup match then you're fucking crazy. Suggesting I should go onto an ETTV server just to avoid suspicion is suspicion itself and I wont cast for any league that suspects me of foul play after all these years.

How many lans do I need to run to earn some trust? How many allstar games? How many AEC online cups with thousands of euros worth of prizes? How many ETawards must I win? You tell me, because your statements in this journal with my name on it are insulting and like I said to poep you're a retard for thinking them about me.
In your anger i think u missed a big part of my journal.
'Anyways its pretty far fetched but i just noticed and thought it would be funny if it would be true'.
i hope u wont be making a fool out of yourself anymore.
You got proved wrong and nobody agreed with you and suddenly you hide behind your failed attempt at light hearted humour :`(
edit: tell me where did u prove me wrong all u have done is just random flame and whine.
2nd edit: does the fact that george bush got elected president proof the John Kerry supporters wrong. As soon as any1 here can come up some valid proof why im wrong i'll adjust my opinion. And also the majority of ppl who say im wrong doesnt proof anything, when 10 rocket scientists say that u can go to the moon but 10 million people say u cant who are u goin to believe?
Hmm all my comments in this journal are unrelated to you: I didn't share the suspicions of the journal (I didn't hear your shoutcast actually), however I thought that if this is actually a problem for someone the solution would be easy, and replied to you directly because I was interested in your opinion on the subject.
This is just a one mans opinion who made this journal, as you can read from the post's like 98 % are saying this is just ridiculous, and you're doing a great job.
I dont think anyone belives u "cheat".

But what decade is saying could actually be something to think about. Cause i have thought about the issue earlier. NOT WHEN IT COMES TO YOU TOSSPOT!! just remember that.

but say norway are playing australia, or poland, or egypt or latvia.. and Norway have a shoutcaster on the server.. he could allso be on our ventrilo with push-to-talk and give a few hints during the game. (the reason im saying a norwegian shoutcaster is because we dont have any..)

Im not sure it would be usefull, or possible.. but when it comes to unknown shoutcasters.. who doesnt have ur reputation, i can understand the issue will be discussed..
but why not rule the possibillity completely out?
<3 love ur flames
go on toss :-)
Your talking like a politican dodging the question, maybe answer? It's not only you doing shoutcasts etc.
Read the topic
I actually think it's quite a good idea, not that you would do anything like that or care @ lan, but the day before yesterday I had an offi and stuff and it was a shoutcaster that didn't know the ref pw or shoutcast login or the commands.. so ofc we spec invited him as the admin seemed to be afk on the server.. well you get the point.
Include an argument.
Shoutcasters already have a delay...
but is the shoutcasters view also delayed?
no but they must be able to interfere with the game instantly, shoutcasters dont.
dot dot dot
shoutcasters who are in the game server have no delay; if they are in teamspeak with the team and they use push to talk when they are giving useful information they can give a big help, with no delay
This has been done before and it's the reason why some clans do not accept shoutcasters (especially of foreign language) in a match
How many lans does a shoutcaster need to run to earn your trust?
Well not all the shoutcasters are as trusted as you ^^ if setting up a dedicated ettv has no side effects, why not?
And admins have been caught on vent before too. If you can't trust them they shouldn't be shoutcasters.
Afaik there is little control on the shoutcasters, while there' a much bigger selection for the admins. Setting up a dedicated ettv would remove the need for a selection on shoutcasters at all.
Nah, I'd hedge my bets on arni.

If you can write a semi-coherent email you're an admin, but you've to set up a shoutcast stream & not annoy them at GTV HQ to be a caster.
you fuckin serious??? peop go get a tissue and dry those fuckin tears, cheers.

*in vent shoutcasting for positions is avi for a nominal fee*
hello my loverbunny!=)
retard journal
the whine about us will never take an end :)
after keran and shy we can say the flame is more than deserved
u got no clue, aight?
got back from teh club and thought u r whine about whine
kinda too early from the club, cant admit that u r just the most retarded prick around.
omg man ur dog is gay
he always got
omg.. another norwegian highskillor=) <3

this Norwaycommunity is growing quickly!!

#et-norge :>
BUSTED lolz :)
you definitely just burst my bubble.. even shoutcasters can't be trusted anymore today.. :<
i dont think its true, but its a very good point !
it goes better in a fragmovie!
I think there's already a long enough delay that the teams wouldn't get anything useful from it even if they were listening to it.
not if they would be on the same comms server.
lol, that's just ridiculous.
the world is flat! onoes its seems to be round.
The world may be round, but if you've ever seen tosspot you'd know he most certainly is not.
the team would not listen to the radio shoutcast, they would have the shoutcaster directly in ventrilo/teamspeak, using push to talk only when he is giving useful info, so they would receive the information in real time without having to hear the whole shoutcast
haha poepje you won the retard award this year aswell.. congrats! ;D
its not poepje :S
ok its your first then :<
There is a delay already, which makes it all but pointless.
well.. not saying tosspot.. but some random shoutcaster from say.. Nigeria.. could be on ventrilo / teamspeak, while shoutcasting.. the delay is on the shoutcast, but if he has push to talk, he can give direct info in real time.. since he is on the match server speccing the match.
I think it would be rather obvious if that was the case, the language of shout casting, is not the same as giving comms in a game.

But what if a norwegian shoutcaster was casting in norwegian..

Maybe he wouldnt even have listeners. maybe he dont even shoutcast.. he just pretends he is shoutcasting in norwegian.. which noone would listen to anyway.. except maybe 5-10 norwegian players.

he could easely be on vent/teamspeak and give info to the norwegian team..
I think you take this a bit too seriously :P
hehe:D this issue about tosspot i dont take serious at all.. cause i know its not an issue.. its just random whine from poep.

but i think it actually should be some restrictions.. either on who can shoutcast (which will eventually be a problem as new shoutcasters are coming), or that shoutcasters have a delay aswell.. Maybe not for the trusted ones.. like mashed, tosspot and flyingdj, but all random shoutcasters who shoutcast in polish, swedish, norwegian, greek etc.. should maybe have to shoutcast from a delayed server..
Now your just being racist against all them Polish shoutcasters! =D
im glad that comes from an educated person.
2nd funniest topic I read today. 1st was a guy on a poker forum asking for 25.000$ cash bankroll so he could make me 1k$ a day. Only thing I had to do was transfer the money, but he couldnt give me his details because of private reasons.

This topic is almost as funny. Toss is one of the best shoutcaster in e-gaming since years now. Why would he ever make an advantedge out it for the teams? He has got a big reputation to lose.
Ok, maybe its an idea to give the radio shoutcaster a little delay for 100% cheat free thingies, but on the other hand: who wants to listen to tosspot, flyingdj in German or other languague while playing a high-stakes game, I would go crazy of all the noice.

Greets Hansy

TLR lost...
edited, it was 4 in the morning ;)
plain bullshit?
maybe hes doesnt like hackers either!!111
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