this community...

other communitys are maybe laughing at us, but when i try to brouwse this site after again such an exciting EC-match, blabla to much connections...

Over more than 500 people immediately browsing xfire to see the newest comments on the match, we all love this game and site.

and yezz we can flame like the best here

but if they mess with us we are like one big army bashing all others!

<3 u guys!

now keep this a nice journal
let me tell you about my boat
How about I tell you about MY (aim)boat?!
crossfire needs a bigger server
We don't <3 u! nP
k but like those other sites ever have 500 people on their site ?

though i dunno about esl
Quote by wootbut if they mess with us we are like one big army bashing all others!

Thats so darn cute =)
ESL ain't a community site.
and comparing xfire to esraelity isnt exactly fair either as xfire is for ET (and rtcw) and CoD2 only and i think there arent that many cod2 people on here anyway
xfire @ higher cph !!
so true :D
sure 15000 , i dont believe you.
Ppl don't get ur point xD
You can't compare it.
we are the best flamers, so tru
without a first post there wouldn't be a second post
agree at the flamer part
xfire flamers > *
she got a nice smile =)
who is she?
some swedish girl from teh i-nets
wow where do you have that cute girls all from?
looks like a doll, except it probably speaks.
threewordsONLY "fuck me plz"
You sound like you know what you're talking about.
you really need to fill up this black void you have in your life....
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