Does someone play with fov 120

if so, have fov toggler?
i used to, sometimes still do, and i have never used a fov toggle
you should then...
I have fov 110 and when I crouch (mouse 2) it switches fov and makes me lag! Then goes back to normal when I un-crouch!
117 and yes fovtoggle to 93
butchji and mystic play with fov toggler
Oh! If butchji and mystic play with fov toggler i needz script NOW!!
maybe you do need
so? mimic only makes you "think" you are better but it make's your worse
look at yourself and most of the crossfire community.. thats enough proof rofl, most of the people here are fanboys and have someone's cfg, and still i havent seen any new names in the ec from the first low-med skilled peepz.
105/90 atm!
but no fov toggle :d
110/90 sometimes but atm 105/90 ( like i ever use a toggler O,o )
fov toggle 120 and 90
just play fov 120:) no toggle
105 no toggle
frnz plays with 120 and has a fov switcher for long range ( 90 ), that's about the only guy i know who plays well with 120. I has 102 !
116 / 94 toggler
120 rocks for me :) no toggler
120 sux0r
90 nP
changed from fov 120 to 90 about year ago
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