portugal defeat uk again!!!

4 - 0 for portugal!! :) gg

we didn't prac, they were better on the night gg
lol, same excuse in the outher lose :d
cant blame anyone as that is why we lost.

portugal practiced, uk didnt.
shut the fuck u up u dickhead, u dont know anything.

Portugal hasn't been practising at all. Infact, UK has had far more practise than Portugal.

So stop making up excuses, uk lost to a better team, simple.
calm down dipshit!
no, fuck off :< he talks shit all the time
its zuuuuupp now :p
you're bullshit man :pppp
shut up batti boi, soo are you :]
you talk things you dont even know
and they were missing their best player kmt, and they didn't prac either, sexyhot didn't play et for 1 week, and zen didn't have a mic and hasn't played for portugal once this season ... np.
you are right in about everything u said... but who gave you the inside info? :O

we got a mole inside the team it seems
I'm Kamz .. I know all.
i agree with u ;o
omg :cccc
cnt beat them at football, cnt beat them at ET..

Chin up lads, ;<

No hype no win.
needed me XD
portugal sucks
only when i play rifle :P 7vs5
cheaters always wins
i didnt play as a rifle so we won ^^ and no, we didnt pracc..
the last 3 seasons team p0r praced a lot when i am remember right :]
lol. last 3 seasons. we are talking about this season. complety diferent team and organization. :x
dissapointing kMt/zen.
Play this lineup next season and maybe you have a chance.

Mztik, Sheep, razz, Hype, adzz, hentai/miXer
mztik sheep sqzz razz hype mixer
sqzz is useless if there is no flag 8>
only sheep razz and mztik are really good
Whats the problem with mixer/hentai, hype ?
all goods but ofc fin be germany and pol are advantaged with EC top player lineupz
I think UK can't find better players then them.
not , but they can at least train or just realize they won't won and neither get a top placement.
rofl gg por
just funny how people with no clanhistory whatsoever own some big names in ET with no problems. UK did play shit tho.
like who exctaly? i think u will remove thoose words after reply me.
lol? go to cb and check.. is the 3rd time that koto is playing for team portugal i think.. and 2 years ago when i started playing, koto was allready a finalist in portuguese competition.. and.... he played oc 1st div with kknd...

same for zen and kmt... they all played in kknd.... is the 1st time that zen is playing for team portugal (last nc he was playing wow) and kmt played allready for team switzerland (or wtv) and played last cb nc as a captain.

No clan history?
nah, just koto :d
you do love me, don't you kamzz? :)

can you make it less obvious? :P
Instead of kknd you mean /<ona I think? As that's the only clan I can find both were in together. And the only thing they did was play in a 3rd League in an OC.

No offence, but I can't find any of the things you say about koto. Please direct me to the cuppages or stuff like that to prove what you're saying.
i cant try tomorrow... anyway /<ona is a mix.. their mix
That's 3rd Division, not ¨Premier League as you said. And yeah, they won everything in their group but didn't even played the play-offs.

So I think Xpaz is right. Perhaps we have a 2nd mAus-case (someone who hasn't been playing on a high lvl before suddenly owning everybody) but 3 Portuguese guys at the same time? Don't think so.
zen aka kMt and koto mainly.
zen is not kMt u dumb twat

and kMt has been in more skilled teams than u can ever dream of
Doesn't change a bit about what xpaz's talkin bout.
And zen is not kMt? So another portuguese nobody owning the shit ouf of everybody...
zen has probably been playing et the longest out of the 13 players involved.

and he's not owning the shit out of everybody, just uk (not hard)
Yup, I just saw it on CB. Still quite surprising imo, and as a lot of other people said, if Portugal is completely clean I will personally come to England and kiss your feet.
Both kMt and zen (Leiria) have been caught cheating before, a very long time ago. :)
no, they haven't sol :)
Yes, they have. :)

I used to play RtCW with Leiria (zen), I used to get along great with him, I played with him a lot. When I discovered that he had been caught cheating in ET I asked him about it and he admitted it. He said it was just for fun and that he did it with kMt. As a matter of fact, kMt was one of the first cheaters (in a prac) that I ever encountered in ET. I was playing his clan with BiO, the guy was blatantly wallhacking. This was ~2 years ago.

Note that I'm not claiming that they currently cheat, I'm just mentioning that they have done in the past.
ok, i think everyone will trust your word on it.

after pb_ss, .avi's and demos we can take sol's word for a sure bust :)
Hah, is there some reason you're being so defensive? Who said that I'm trying to bust anyone? I never said that they're currently cheating, I just raised the point that they have been caught in the past. That's it, nothing else. Those of us who have been around a little longer are likely to remember it.
defensive? don't bore me with your rethoric please :)

you said (they were caught cheating)

i said (no they weren't)

you said (yes they were because zen told me he and kmt hacked)

i said (lol)

you said (i'm not saying the cheat... i'm saying they were caught cheating and the proof i have is my word)

i say...

You mistakenly assume that I'm trying to get some kind of outcome from this. It's of absolutely no consequence to me whatsoever whether you believe me or not, or anyone for that matter., My 'accusation' was not any kind of attempt at getting kMt of zen punished. As I said before, those of us who have been around a little bit longer are likely to remember it.
Quote ins

"Hey mom!"
"Guess what? you're now officially banned from cb.. sol said so..a friend of him has spoken with your haircutter.. he has tested wallhack once with you.. oh cmon admit it!"
Ow, uuh oké, go do your homework now.
So has razz, what's your point
My point is that just because someone has played the game for a long time doesn't make them clean. I got the impression you were trying to imply that with your comment. Two of them have been caught cheating in the past, so I don't think that the accusations are all that unjustified!
overrating your self can be dangerous in that case you will be saved by an egoquit!
I'll be your slave for 6 months, if team Portugal has no cheaters.
lets wait and see ;)
It's already known that there are some team Portugal players who are customer of cheatsites. But there are just no proofs which are valid for clanbase.
who? can u say names?

Seems you don't have to be his slave ;-p
koto & zen mainly like others already said. And uuuh remove what?
read my reply to kamz and check cb... mayb they are unkown for u.. but they are not unkown at all.
Cheaters <3
i think i understand xpaz...comparing to uk team POR as no clan history at all...but that don mean that in team POR are all cheaters
Maybe the UK are overrated then? dunno, just a possibility :[
you just lost a fan for being blind
1 guy less asking about your cfg >:D be happy "Hymypoika"
Is he still blind after the big bust?
no comments on a supposedly fake bust later we will see
well just me or the team which has sol always loses ? XD
kamz <3 u
well atleast there is something they can write on ettruth now :D
I liked zen's airstrike on first stage@supply.
rhand hi m8, now im a Portuguese unknown "woning all" ?just 1 question who the fuck are u ? do u play ET? :x ^^ lol. ahh and sol; hacks? give me some pbss/demo´s ahh and sites guid and stuf i would like to see ^^. ahh and sol i saw the replay and u sucks hard :/ see u @ cpc3 newbie. this year the UK national team are not that good imo, they are playing alown without TP just playing for frags (for ETTV) (u guys need some fresh blood, some new players.. no chance against 6 man´s playing togather.
kmt, i love u, let's not fight again, u can use my server whenever u want :(
damn you're stupid
Unknown yes. Before you joined eC4 you barely played in a good or known clan, so that does make you unknown.
lol, pls. kmt played in known clans in the past. reload? heard of it? xlo? eurocup? ( ocrana time ). cmon.. dont say shit when u dont know.

they all played lans, and i have nothing to complain about
Oki, perhaps I'm mistaken about kMt. And some small Portuguese LANs are barely a valid proof. You would still own there if you turn of your hacks.
well.. its a valid proff since the teams we are talking about in the portuguese lans are the rest of the portuguese team. mno archy jet etc etc. and i doubt u can win agaisnt them in lan :<
I never tried so I don't know :<
Does rhand able to check on CB accounts of portuguese guys, before talkin about they re unknowns?

i think he's not.
ok.. so helix rewind auxilia 6s uQ and more and more clan´s lol. but yes most of them was unknown ^^
what a clanhopper.. waitin for reply with my bind!
well, some time ago i remember that he played with some known players in teams like helix with senti or smth, a time in "team-uQ" with AzA, sexyhot, razz and so on...he played in the same clans of sexyhot or atleast in great part of them. how can you forget about the cute portuguese clanhopper :)

bb have exam in a few hours.
Yeah, me too :<
i love u to kamz :* i dont play ET anymore, im more in "wow" scene now ^^
Why everyone is surprised about UK faggots got bashed while they were did already raped in the showmatch by the same team.

Maybe start to realize that you must train to be high in ET 6v6 as a TEAM , otherwise you will be overskilled by everyone that is a bit organized( at least more than Uk are).

team.NL ( even if they played with busted players but probably not usin hacks during that game) has beaten POR cause team NL was practicin pretty often. FIN did the same. If you wanna try to win NC usually you should do better than a mixed team playin only offi.
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