Eurocup Final TONIGHT ;ASD

Zomg im so exited! zomg ;ASD CANT W( IT ZOMG ;>ADF

(most retarded journal ever)
boring, prolly worst final evar.
Short description of the match:
1. round: Evolve fullholds and does 5min time.
2. Somehow pro5 wins (????) with ~20seconds
3. Some lottomap like Bremen and the one with better mg42-tacs wins.
shit final
for once i agree with u
Totally agree with you ;(
idd elite should play in the final to make it more exciting :]
did i say smth about elite?
nah i just want to make some funney comment :]
since i agree that elite sux its not funny :d

one of butchji's teams again fucked by pc probs before an important game ;(
serves them damn right!
but no ferus to whine this time!
tbh would've been easy win for riZe without butchji's pc-problems..
we'll never know
cos 2 underdogs made it to the final its shit? :(

i mean the last exciting ec final was u96d vs parodia, when night shot THE panzer.

nothing will really top saevus insanity :P

but i mean, the last finals have been boring as we saw parodia rape idle in the final, idle easily beating nd in the final, and then idle raping zp in the final at shgopen.

The EC as a whole was exciting [i think at least..] and even past EC's have been exciting but what makes this one 'special' is the fact that there are 2 teams that no one would have thought would have gotten this far
Maybe people say it's boring due to the fact that pro5 will not be allowed to have equal chances to you, by playing with their mainlineup and on their own pc's.

And this, dear toxic, is a shame for an EC final.
evolve don't exactly have their main lineup either do they
both teams arent playing with main lineup

we cant play on tuesday,wednesday

thats basically it..
Compare those two scenarios:

Perfo (banned), Future plays for him, you knew that for some days now.


Potter's pc is broken, rapture has to replace him, he hasn't played a single time the last months.

drago's internet is down, he has to play at biqqs home with a different pc.

gifty will have to play on my pc, since his gfx card is broken.

So where exactly are the same chances for both teams?
where is the problem to play with other pc?, thats not really an excuse, just the fact rapture has to replace potter could be counted imo.
are you retarded? at cpc2 everyone plays at another pc. here just 2 players of p5
i asked already whats the problem to play with other pc, i know it hits only 2 guys of p5
fair enough, it isnt exactly ideal for any final. but what can we do?

not saying our situation is any worse or anything but we only managed to play like 3 pracs with future :P
Well, for example you could just allow that the match gets rescheduled, iirc in the EC last spring the final was even moved for a month.
cb wont allow it
As if CB would want a forfeit in an EC final. Get real.
speak to donex..

winning by a forfeit would be a joke
the fact is that 2 teams with busted players made it into finals!
still i wish that evolve will take it so gl ;D
Underdogs ? zP/p5 came 2nd last EC in case you hadn't realized. You made huge lineup changes and improved your chances, so it's not really fair to claim being an underdog as such. The general opinion seems to be "the fact is that 2 teams with busted players made it into finals!", and thats why no one apart from the die hard fans really care, the lesser of two evils as such. I hope you guys win, because XyLoS deserves to finally win EC.
when i say underdogs, i mean of the current season. CPC2 we came 5th, zp didnt make it past the groups.

when we changed our lineup we got flamed but it worked our better.
We were the underdogs for both our games vs tlr, and vs cadre

zp were the underdogs for like, all their playoff games afaik, [tlr,impact,cadre,dignitas,tlr]

hence why i said 2 underdogs
More like 2 teams that dont have even nearly the same lineups as when EC started and both team having players getting banned during the cup.
personally i couldnt care less who will win this but because i like future i hope evolve wins it

and dont play those shit maps plz..

and please.. its a EC-final, dont play it like another team have todo all kinds of arragements(playing at friend, different pcs, inactive backups) with like days to get ready.. best solution wud be both agreeing playing it later, cb doesnt force it or cancel it if both clans makes a deal.. its not like cb will cancel the whole final if you are not playing 2morrow
Great final! 2 underdogs made it to the final.
hakkerit vs hakkerit... :-/
and i cant watch it :'(
Someone will get busted with h4x during the match and then it will just cause a big hassle about CB.
shit final

since I'm a sqzz fanboi evolve should win, i dont care though
Wont be cool
cheatiest EC ever
sucks because both teams playing with 2randoms or smth
too bad Impact didn't reach the final :<
2 very evenly matched teams who may have started out as underdogs, but when you look at who they've played to get there you have to admit that both deserve to be there. it's a shame that both teams couldn't play with the lineup they started the tournament with, but that's their own fault. would love to see evolve win it but i think it will go to pro5.
Im at army when that shit starts so no final for me =D
yeee! and im in army! o/
we need to play warsow sometimes
main EC lineup what do u mean? :P

we have 5 of the 6 players that would normally play [perfo banned.. idiot perfo] and we got future who is like our merc for ec

if this is what u meant then yes i guess
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