Disable Journals

Good evening,

We are all talking about the high amount of flaming in our beloved community.
Where does all this flame come from?

1. From all the pointless, meaningless journals.
2. The comments on the recruitmentthreads.
3. The comments on newsposts that has something to do with clanbase.

You will probably think, LOLz then crossfire will die, but it wont.

Crossfire was (and still is) made so that the community could discuss the things that were/are happening in the scene.

Nowadays I only see kids expressing their feelings by writing a hate-journal towards clanbase/random group/person/etc.

My question towards the admins is; ever considered about disabling the journals?
No, never.
if we did then how would you be able to tell us to do it?!?! ¬.¬
just by sending you a pm (A)
I wouldn't, but then it wouldn't be necesary aswell ;)
or would it?! oh the questions!
to avoid spam and flame you have to disable the comment function in generaly so its not that easy like you think mate :]
thats not a way of digital thinking mate~!
Never happen.
without journals, people might cut their wrists
otherwise you would bash them, they die anyway!
Completely agree, journals are utterly useless.
First one that agrees :)

I watch 24, prison break and heroes myself aswell
Actually I've stopped watching Heroes. It got too boring mid-season, and I've got a lot of other series to watch :P
Since the first season of HEROES ended, i'm rewatching 24 :D

I don't really like the new battleship galaxtia or smth like that ;X
which series?
Then don't read them.
That's not the point ..

a while ago, in every journal was more and more flame, and we allowed it. Why wouldn't we allow a 'fuck' in a journal? But it's gotten worse and worse and the line there once was, the so called line of respect, is now gone.
Okey, let me rephrase. Journals wouldn't be useless if people actually got answers to what they were asking instead of flame after flame after flame. Unfortunately though, that's not the case, so in my opinion it would be better to force people to stick to the apropriate forum sections and let people like Ronner keep the threads free of useless comments only made to provoke.

Better yet, teach people to ask for help in the forums instead of journals :)
Answered yer own whine, most forum threads get an answer.
They get one serious answer and 100s of comments purely made to make fun of the poster, and it's even worse in the journals. It shouldn't have to be like that, even if most of the people in here are 16 or less.
That's my point, although i can't express myself with such an english-skill :)
Make it a user-setting ?
deleting meaningless journals (no content, back from the club, exams are over, 200 journals about one match while there is a newspost...)

at least interesting journals wouldnt be pushed down in one hour by stupid junk
That would be an improvement aswell, but i don't think admins would bother to do such things.
i think its better to give all the flame you've got here on the internet then irl.
A journal full of flame means there is one person with less anger in his heart, but so many other people with more anger. So what you are saying ..
THAT just made me laugh xD xD xD
u dont have to "disable the journals", the only thing u'll have to do is to disable limbonic and all the flame will be gone
journals keep the community alive... what would we have without them?
Journals keep the community alive? :/

It's an ET community, decent ladders & cups would keep the community alive. Not journals full of flame.
journals full of flame are better for the activity of the community than nothing :P
Competition =! community
Only competitive players are active on this community site :)
nah, there are many retired players that still actively join the trash talk in here
retired or banned?
retired, eg. sock
'Both' was the correct answer
ye kinds of perfo as well, but I thought it's too obvious
Boring profile you have! d [ o __¿__ ° ] b
u don't need to check it then!
i love the flame and i also like the most of the senseless journals :]
Suggestion: More space for journal-topics on the left, now there are room for 10 journal, you already have to scroll down if you want to see forum-topics. So why wouldn´t we scroll little more?

Many good/important journals gets pushed away from our sight because of "3on3 gotserv by fredd", "Kung-Fu Monkey by sol" and so on.
do you think im browsing this site for discussion about ET's future and other stupid things?
you visit crossfire to be called retard?
I just like seeing stupid people trying be something. I dont really care about those news, columns etc (some interviews may interest me though)
After a year it gets boring, and you'll post smth like this :)
I have been doing it over year, and if I get bored of it I just quit reading.
i can't quit if i'm in the middle of a discussion with such a 'stupid person'.
who cares about the flame and well sometimes we all need to flame a bit imo. or i need it, when im in a bad mood. soo guys goooo on. ^^
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