RIP Loekino

The real spammer;the master of the wankers;the bestest singer of the singers;the stupidest dumbass of the dumbasses, has died.

Loekino has died at an age of 86, and he died of the disease of nonstopreadingxfireandnoteating+drinkingtoomuchredbull.


He was a great guy, loved by all LIES and we will miss him.
first bi0tchez!
After reading the title, I really hoped he's dead.

But instead of good news this is a fucking stupid joke.
It's actually true. Loekino used his grandchilds to go to CPC2, he used some certain program called voice generator to get some other voice. He was the bestest spy of the spies!
Who is Loekino?
stupid fag , you think that its funny die of aids
die of diabetes you fuckface
retarted nazi fuck off go home wank together with your mom in veenendaal
your certainly one of the biggest noobs of venendaal fuckass
i dont fucking care , and who do you call a nazi im a ngr pls

maaan your momma is so fat when she went to school she sat next to everyone instantly
would be if it was true
bb loekin-hoofd
I dont believe it,he is Immortal
the last time i saw him he was on a spamming spree
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