vortex newbie

ok. Vortex fucking nub cocksucker is a kid from slovenia. Wannabe high skilled player ( he cheats --> obv wh ) & wannabe high skilled cup admin. vortex ur 2 newbie 2 make a cup so pls go away u bullcock shiteater.
XD says xtor, the guy who is busted 44 times
I guess you lost ..
yes i did in cup. and the cup rule says everybody must record. and our opponent didn't. so we said it's forfeit win for us. after that we got kicked from server and banned from mirc chan. gg
Lol we did record but just face it , u lost
So send them the demos?
He only whined about it in-game , never asked me on irc.
aristo bibuy!!!!!!!!!!
your just not skilled enough babe
u just suck
It has nothing to do with " you suck " He got kicked for some stupid reason ..
Woow wise man
i dont care he just sucks
you are just not very good, sry
like we care..........................................................
Quotehe cheats

like you are clean guy?
I play with Aristo in a clan and he still thinks i'm cheating.. n1 trusting me
sorry baby :()
aristo go fuck your mama
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