
when will jaN, katakana etc be banned?
everyone knows they are cheating and they are using a priv bot anyway, so just ban them and don't care about proofs !!!
Beat them yesterday on radar! but ye suspicious:o
skilled oldschool players!
Thunder Force Member"

Omg he's honorary @ t4ce OMG

Poor AdzZ adze ...
Everyone knows that T4Ce (fakers) are hackers.
fuck off nirv is just a nice buddy of me and not cheating just like you coz you are a fucking 07 too
hacker ? lol @ u ...

Fakers ? why do the old/ manager, clan creator still in T4Ce :D:D nP
Hungary sI Finland DSky Hungary T4Ce
Im from hungary, so i think know what did u do :)
Serious intention ? mmm Fr4n is the manager
DSky ? go #d-skyline noob
T4Ce ? -> sgteam

anyway nP

tbh it's was not underscore who created tace so stfu
Hungary sI
Csupo, Caleb, igi, G.A.S, $ector, bj

hmm Where is Fr4n? Oh is he the manager? dont think so :<
ask him & stfu , now dont piss me of with T4Ce
hi nirv <3 long time no see :d
<3 Hi dinev :D
hi stinker :D
Proof pls
jan is clean
you mean the nC bot is clean, yeah that's true
and btw is he 07 or even 06? :o
Everyone hacks, so let's ban everyone and play QW instead!
give a key also
RETARD, KATAKANA no cheater, jan doesnt cheat too!!

plz get brain and skill
katakana getting highskilled from 6 months et? oh yeah he played q3 before, sure
1. yeah i did
2. i played with him for 2 month
3. he plays for more then 6 months et
ye sure, that's why he registered his first guid at yawn+esl on 01.07
pub player? O_o

my yawn isnt registered too :D
pub player? you get yawned there too
i never played against you but if you hang around with them you prolly cheat yourself too Mr "im from 04 but i'm a pub player"
yeah i cheat too xD

for shore, look my yawn!
i saw three scenes that are 99% proof of jaN being a hacker, just give me the link to their demos and ill make some rly nice avis.

At one scene jaN just killed a medic at back and at the evry instant the guy died he did a 180° (he was at back himself not near tank) and went straight to a guy BEHIND the tank that just died and shot a bullet at him.
lol, i had such actions too ;o
u have no idea do u? there a big difference between a turn to a guy and completly flikking to him. That wasnt a turn what he did, that was a 180°-longrange-behind tank flikking to head.

If u do that aswell in the same manner, drop the hax
...i did an action:

3 people: 9 hs 2 people at the same time-->6 shots 6 headshots, the otherone later after heal with 3 hs:
demos avi

do u think hax?
... i did an action

3 ppl : luger 12 shots 12 hits 9hs 3 kills... moveing targets and shooting back.

do u think i hax?

Seriously theres a difference between a nice action and what he did. His aim tottaly and utterly sux imo, but the way his crosshair jumps to guys behind walls is just too funny. U actually saw him play?
--> TeamQ 3 weeks active playing, did u ever had listen about pre shots? i do it very often--> shit acc =)
ok man, no point... u obviously think that other ppl are retarded...
Ppl call me a hacker all the time, so im not really fast at calling other people cheaters because i know how annoying it can get.

And to think that i dont know how to preshoot or that ppl use sound when playing just proves that u dont know me and are acting asif u are the shit. Not only do i play alot and pretty good, i also watch ettv alot. So i know how alot of other ppl play and im not exactly new to the preshooting thing.

Did u even watch that avi posted here on xfire awhile ago? If u didnt, i suggest u look for it. If u did... well then u are either a complete noob or a friend of jaN
btw, did u look perfo on ettv :D
yeah i dont care, was nice to discuss to you, but now i watch i stupid film in tv cu
yeah, i did. Never saw anything suspicious though :P
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