Awesome cam+mp3


I was just thinking about an ET video I had seen a time ago on videogoogle.
So i will share this with you guys. Its a pretty old video already(06), but i dont think most of you have seen it.
Its just a scriptedcam+music. Maybe its boring and nothing special to you. But when i first saw it, it gave me a really good feeling xD. Its just the music and the nice camera matched perfectly.
die plz :>

edit: what a noob cam...
die urself vieze gothic
nice designs and music, no need for comments like that 8<
A nice song at least.
Good song
matching? orly
lold about this :D the old grush and shitty music!!!
that camera looks like a cam that you would make on your first try when u launch the program for the first time. going trough walls etc..

I liked the song though.
move lef;wait 56;move right; wait 9942; +jump;shoot;+sprint;wait533
no resemblance with R3 trailer at all!
I'd like to know the title of the song.
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