What the hell?!

A friend just told me her friend have made something similar to this:


What the fuck? Emo style 2007 award?

QuoteA friend just told me her friend have made

is it you?
saw this some years before in a talkshow. really weird stuff :/
nice music!
what song is it? does anyone know?
EDIT: i know it>: East Clubbers- Sextasy
East Clubbers - Sextasy
lol faster
i smell emo
some of them are good :/
Well, If a pretty girl takes a piercing, a nice tatoo or even these things. It looks nice to me and makes her more sexy in someway.

If an ugly girl does 1 of these things it would just make her look worse.
Idus but he isn't normal:D now i know this!
would be fun to run by and rip that shit off XD
looks not that bad tbh :] (means not that i would like to get pierced like that)

i saw a presentation (powerpoint) where a girl let cut some parts of her skin of here back out (you could see the meat) after a while you saw a picture (o_O) of a oasis :o thats realy weak!!!
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