FOM report part 1

The first match at the Belgian LAN was between underdogs Benelux Unlimited-eSports and Belgium dtk, the favourites for the victory in this tournament. Belgium dtk won with 6-0.
Even the score may imply they had a walk-over, Benelux Unlimited-eSports did manage to put up a surprisingly good fight with a flagcapture at Supply, an almost constructed Command Post at Frostbite and a decent time at Bremen as defenders. Also noteworthy are the 2 knife frags from Belgium Johney aka Sh0ot.

Due to the fact that we are with only 4 competing teams, we use the "best of 5"-format. Hence we played 3 maps. The maps were Frostbite, Supply and Bremen_b1.

In 20 minutes we see the dangerous outsiders Netherlands serenity-gaming taking on the unknown Benelux #vDamage. The maps will be Braundorf, Radar and Bremen_b1 as starters.

Demo dtk vs unlimited:

Demo serenity vs vDamage:

extra info (line-ups n stuff):
holy shit i rly wanna see serenity vs vd
nice work Rhand

izi bash for Belgium teamdtk

hf mAus lio sneek acid vila alvo

edit: Rhand kan je geen ETTV regelen ofzo voor dtk vs serenity
Nope, but I can take demo's :o)
lineup dtk?
read above holmes

mAus, SneeK, lio, vila, acid, Alvo

all Belgium
mAus lio sneek acid vila alvo

ok Prydz is just too fast :(
I think acid would like to see a short line about his egoboost..
idd :DDDDD egoboost > skill?
als ne mens zen eige al nimeer mag amuseren :p
Whats Vdamage's lineup?
Bartichello, Luger, n1xie, izo, kOOTJUH & fro
'Unlimited-eSports did manage to put up a surprisingly good fight with a flagcapture at Supply, an almost constructed Command Post at Frostbite'

o rllllllllllllllllly well done!¬!!!
thought the same, they must be own0rzZz
Niet teveel praat pls, ik weet je zitten !
lol hij jou ook imo :)
Where can i see Brackets/Poules?
screen wil be posted soon in next topic
:o knife kills xD
sereNity will take it !
vila :

sd i don't think we lost the flag tbh , didn't spawn back 1 time ^^
We captured the flag and had it for like 5 seconds, you got it back in time :<
nice one next time do demo as shoutcaster if you can :<
izi 4 serenity
vooral die modus raged alles hard
hoi peertje , doet gij ook mee? dan is het vooral peertje die alles hard zal ragen en modus geen kills meer geven
ik doe ook mee, maar het gaat niet zo goed als thuis ;(
hoe zo dat toch komen? :s
ik had al lang gezien dat je hax had , niemand kan meer damage halen dan de ieksenator
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