What about this?

I was thinking...

Some time ago someone showed me how a bot works by playing against me on valhalla. He changed the rate of how much the aim would be mechanical or seem to be.. aimfov or something. This all worked perfectly fine ofcourse untill at some times the bot would randomly aim to a point in the sky where it saw a hitbox. As this was a hitbox it would identify this as a target making the player switching automatically to this box.
My point is: Why dont we make hitboxes throughout all the maps so that the autoaiming thingies will aim at those? Making it harder for the humanized aimbots to be effective?
ye and they should be randomly floating around and moving like invisible opponents..
errr right.
you know how much work that would take? nice idea, but maybe impractical
o shut up and get in tank
nice idea
Nice idea
lol place opponents in the sky :p
great idea
nice idea =]
post it at splashdamage forums maybe someone cares to make a mod ^^
I agree with you & it's the best idea so far against cheaters


now it's published & cheaters will wait for such a release and noone will be busted, because they'll hide it or something like that! They will improve their hax 'n stuff...
they wont be able to do anything since the hitboxes of the skys will be the same of the hitboxes of the players, so they might get screwd
Nice idea, but i think the botmakers won't have much of a problem changing this behaviour. They already have e.g. chams, which proofs that they have other ways to figure out where the players are located. I think there's already a lot of aimbots that aim for the player models, and not the hitboxes.

And since ET knows where the players are, the bots could just find out the same way that ET finds out; by reading the network traffic..
they would just produce a bot that doesnt recognise hitboxes over a set height
then put them at the walls and stuff?
if u put them at walls, it could also happen tht u think u shoot the player, but u hit just a wall :P
only the retards will :)
you can make them unhitable but visible by adding a weapon clip around them
tht would be nice :D
aimbots dont aim behind walls, how would that help?
that indeed would be the way out.. just place bodies in the map inside boxes so that normal players wont shoot at it but the bots would?
then they will claim theyve played too much css lately!

but its a good idea actually, they wouldnt be able to tell if it was a "fake" or not...
put these hitboxes as a full model in a crouch position inside the box for example, if they shoot thinking its behind...

yes, thats my point :>
i meant shoot = track btw, or act suspiciously around that particular box
i bet they will code something which makes their aimfov just better and if u attack it it will lock to the target u'r attacking :P

+ if someone can make some 'fake' hitboxes for ET, i bet there will be a coder who can seperate real and fake hitboxes too.
Well , but the old bots will be busted , and cheaters have to buy new hacks so it is pretty nice idea.
It helps for a little while atleast!
True, and to make sure those old cheaters wont come back the community should do more with ip addresses imo, even tho some have dynamic ip's..
Then they would say something like: hey I was trying to find where that floating hitbox was! xDDDDD
no, they would say my brother (on unsecured wireless network off course) tried to find out where floating hitboxes were!
or, i tought i saw superman!
nice idea idd
impossible imo
impossible is nothing m8 !
haha :D. you will get acc when u shoot the sky! np4me
im getting acc without shooting the sky, np4me2
fuck you sherlock :D
nice idea, only it won't work.
you'll have to make a slight change to the random hitboxes, otherwise it would give you acc too if you're shooting @ 'em. Also, if an opponent would be hiding behind such a block, you wouldn't be able to hit him. That slight change in the code can already be recognised by a cheating program, if programmed like this...
who cares about the fucking stats?
ehrm, lotsa ppl?
so you care to have more acc stats than having solutions for hax0rs?
nah, but I don't want one to suffer from another, there has to be another solution...
we need to revive sherlock
Well, someone said that you could make them unhittable by adding a weapon clip around them, so that's not exactly the problem.
Also, if you put them in walls and boxes (ofc not floating randomly over the map :P), then nobody can hide behind them ;-)
That wouldn't work.
and why not?
Lets imagine there is a medskilled player with a cheat. His aim is quite ok, but not better than med. He starts to cheat and enables the humanized aim setting. The aimbot is usually set that it aims very very slow to the head of your enemy. But it gives you a very big advantage. But the slowness is the reason that it is very hard to notice. It would aim so slowly to the spot that it wouldn't be noticeable.

A random hitbox in the air wouldn't have any effect as the aimbot aims to the closest hitbox. And that's usually the enemy and not the random box in the air. And there are a few ways to avoid these random hitboxes, so an easy update would solve the problem.
and how you know all this? you tested it once?
You don't need to test it to know that. You can read that in any forum.
That's so absurd lol. That's the pure logic and u can read it even on their forum.
what ever, i got a ban because i cheated 2 years ago..and it's becuase i didnt knew et is played without cheats tought -.- (my first online game)
if you think its bullshit you can see on yawn that when my firs guides created i had warnings...
why 6 months ban on a simple mistake? and 2 years delay?
That's a completly another topic. Where is the relation? And this topic were discussed more than enough already.
i just had to talk with some cheat buster like you or bulldog..
Aha. The punishment is not up to us.
to who i need to talk to clear some stuffs?
Ehm you have to talk to the Leagueadmins. But I guess there is nothing to clear up as it's clearly proven that u cheated.
cheated 2 years ago? 6 months ban?
it's also proved that i cheated when i first played et
lol what does it matter? Cheatbans never get outdated.
they dont even care about a 2 years fully clean without warning or anything...you did a mistake your fucked?
Of course. When you kill someone, but never will do it afterwards you still get punished.
in the reallife punishemnts depends on time & what made, dont say some bullshit
Same goes for the inet. And u cheated. You even admit that. So where is ur problem?
the proble mis the time, i did accept the ban(punishment) but the banTIME should be diffrent to the made, for example:

cheating on public -> 3 months
cheaing on wars -> 6 months
comeback from ban -> 12 months
cheating again after ban..120 months

or just something like that, time ban depends on the situation...
it's humans ideal to be curious
There is something like that. =>
hah, millions of players for banned for 6 months for playing in wars...
Where? Bring on 1 single valid proof that someone cheated in an official war, who is banned 4 6 months.
mhm i havent been writing, but i will get back and see
nice idea...
ppl will know where tose hitboxes are after some time and shoot them for getting more dmg, couldnt get any more unfair :-<
You can make the hitboxes unhittable, but still visible ;-)
just imagine jaN & Scorch tracking clouds for 15 minutes :l

edit: most nCbots will prolly be adapted to shit like this. And if they are not, they will be, believe me :p!
Imo new aimbot versions will deal with the radomly placed hitboxes, since they won't be movable objects, they'll stay in one place the whole map.

Bots will be programed to aim only in the targets which change position through out the game.

The question is how long will it take the bot programers to program the bots to differ real hitboxes from it's fake static equivalent.
Only the old or crappy aimbots aim at the closest possible opponent. Now it aims at whatever guy you want to shoot. Sometimes however you will notice bugs, but they're rather rare (with the right settings).
errrmm.. don't know..
cheaters will probably also know where the fake hitboxes are, for e.g, like was said above by putting a fake ennemy in a box, so that the guy would think that it's a real ennemy, the botters will be familiar with it too, so i don't think they'd fall for that...

maybe it could work if you keep advancing it... just work in that direction, maybe you'll find something. Show your idea to Splash or something, anyways good work
thing is most humanised aim is key binded, goes to the closest hitbox, so i'm assuming when they see an enemy they target someone near them, then they use their humanised aim key and then begin tracking well, this wouldn't work as they'd be pointing at the person not the hitbox.
ye and howabout placing figures inside the walls so the guy with wh sees a guy behind a wall even if there isnt.. but without wh u cant see the figure coz its inside the wall.. it would atleast confuse wallhackers.. when they see 10000000 ET-players everywhere :o
or is this possible? ..

that would suck for wh users :D
and btw hello mztik! i said that u will come back to ET.. and u did.
lmao @ the nice idea... with more knowledge about coding you'd probably understand the reason.
Inform me, since I obviously know nothing about coding :)
very nice idea.
You don't seem to understand how the game or the cheats work. Making suggestions from that position is fairly pointless.
... Only an idea :P
nice idea
yap nice idea :p
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