ATI TraytoolZ

Since i have installed this tool I'd like to know if someone use it, because you can easily set up your picmip and other nice stuff.
But i think that you crosshair nearly disappears is not the only disadvantage :/

thx in advance
wnb razz
razz used rivatuner, because i dont have a Nvidiacard i cant use it.
yes i used it

with external crosshair?
no, i didnt use mipmap on performance settings
i use it

r_mode 6 and cg_crosshairsize 55 :]

works fine for me
On lowest quality settings? :o
retard... if you wanna have an unfair advantage over others, get a fucking wallhack...
Wow you seem to be smart, with Traytool you cant get any unfair advantages. It just set your picmip up, to get a worse videoquality.
exactly as razz did... i hope u know the rest of the story Einstein...

EDIT: why the fuck do you think there is a limit on r_picmip anyway... ffs
No razz disabled some textures, i just make them ugly.
Anyways you cant remove trees with Traytool, just with Nividacards and Rivatuner, but ok nvm, you are to retarded too understand anything.
you really don't know what you're talking about huh... try setting picmip @ 15 and see the trees go bibuy...

razz didn't disable textures you moron, he did exactly what you are doing, maybe more extreme, but never the less the same...

This screenshot is taken without the use of any external programs, so get a clue and do it the right way!
i cant set it with traytool to picmip 15 but it seems you are to retarded for understanding this
You are using an external program, and now you need another one to be able to see your crosshair again... give it a rest and tweak from the console! you can't tell me you are unable get the desired fps with "AMD 64 X2 4000+" / "ATI 9200SE"...
not even 100 stable.
and no i dont use an external anymore, i just lowerd the textures now, not the picmip.
image: 346b48c12c
It looks like this now
realy dark, barely possbile to see.. crosshair is too big.
external :<

+ gamma is shit because it was a minimized screenshot
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