por cheats obohoh

i heard some of the logs are fake.. :D flame me !

talking about kmt, not about there others.

( all the screenshots are about koto right? )

i believe kmt is clean since i saw him playing at his house. and u have no screenshots nothing about him!

you are fake!
zOMFG sexyhot is in the conspiracy too :[
n00bie b00bie!
h4x! h4x! h4x!
I have log when you wanted to buy cheat !
his lag is evil enough tbh :]
i've heard the screenshots are made with paint
haha portuguese piece of shit
ahahahahahahha. now i cheat to?
no, but ur friend kmt is STILL a fucking retard. and he has never been skilled so I wonder why is he "good" now.
sorry just a comment that zerender posted, and i like pasting it everywhere portural is mentioned

portugal -> new sweden
Strange that you would say that since Sweden is among the least when it comes to busted cheaters. Look at NL instead. I cant believe people still think Sweden is a cheater country. We had alexl pepper and nackskott. The others are not even mentionable.
nah but you seem retarded
If I was you, I wouldn't get dragged into defending any of them. At least not in public, nothing good can come from it!
why not? if he saw him playing and he was good there and they have no proof he is or was cheating, whats the prob to defend him then?
The community doesn't care, your reputation can be tarnished a lot and going from past experiences,

m1lk > f0st
butchji > keran / shy

It does no good bar making yourself look stupid.
i didnt get it i guess.
u r saying butchji is cheater because he is defending shy/keraN?
No the point is basically, you defend a cheater and you look bad. No matter who you are.
but it doesnt mean u r cheating too? right?
well u wouldnt defend a friend when some guys would say about him, hey he is cheating his gf(for example) and u know he isnt?
I never said anything about them cheating. You defend a cheater, you look stupid (or worse) when they (eventually) get busted. Simple as.
i understand ur point, but i think its a good step from sexy to defend him, although he risks to look "stupid (or worse)". ;)
so evan you wouldn't defend a teammate when you think he doesn't cheat only because you could loose reputation at an online community? poor you ;)
If he is very very confident that he didn't cheat then yeah, sure. But reading the article link about the Portuguese team I would be highly doubtful that kMt didn't at least know, or hacked as well. I've been put in the position myself, and I defended them.
maybe there are peeps in our community which dont care about their reputation :o
Everyone cares about their reputation (in one form or another), they are lying if they say otherwise.
jup, looks like u didnt get it
me wants to understand it and not someone who tells me that i didnt get it
so wie ichs verstanden hab wollte evan damit sagen, dass es einem meist schadet einen mitspieler zu verteidigen und das man da meist dumm ausschaut.
#care? nein ;)
first of all, you must be a right nolifer retard to care about your online reputation. for some reason i have no problems to believe you in fact do so but to think other people do as well is just downright dumb.

also, it's absurd to say milk and butchji have made themselves look stupid defending fost, shy or keran especially coming from you.

your reasoning is laughable to say the least
"The community doesn't care, your reputation can be tarnished a lot and going from past experiences"

Can't find it right now, but m1lk wrote (I'm sure it was when Impact had lost to p5 or keran/shy were banned) that it wasn't worth the effort to defend f0st, since it didn't change anything.
how the hell is that a fitting reply to what i posted
Everyone cares about their reputation (in one form or another), they are lying if they say otherwise.

If you just wanted to insult me then come up with better ways to do it. Your just tiresome to deal with, when your acting like a moron.
how am i acting like a moron when im telling you what your saying is rubbish. if you think telling me im acting like a moron is a good argument to prove me wrong im afraid i have to disappoint you.

it's understandable though for a dumbass like you to just simply ignore the point thats being made and to just say "your tiresome to deal with"
Quotefirst of all, you must be a right nolifer retard to care about your online reputation. for some reason i have no problems to believe you in fact do so but to think other people do as well is just downright dumb

Quotealso, it's absurd to say milk and butchji have made themselves look stupid defending fost, shy or keran especially coming from you.

Yet you give no reasoning why it's absurd, except it's from me. My reasoning was going on experience (what m1lk had personally said, it wasn't worth the effort defending f0st [a cheater] because the community doesn't care, and doesn't change anything [he still got banned]), so your saying what m1lk was absurd. What I was saying is exactly what m1lk was saying.

Quoteit's understandable though for a dumbass like you to just simply ignore the point

You had no point, other than you disagreed with what I said, and didn't say, oh wait you did. You disagreed because I said it, but as it turns out it's what m1lk had said and to you that qualifies as a point ? That's why your tiresome, you let personal feelings get in the way and you felt like having a rant for the sake of it.
to start of with, ye i had a rent for the sake of it... dont think i'll ever get tired of making fun of idiots when bored!

About the points you came up with: first of all, saying its absurd because it's coming from you is a very valid argument. the fact that you dont recognize it as one doesnt mean it isn't so.

Also, your mixing up the whole thing which, for someone with a tiny piece of brain like yourselve, is absolutely understandable so i wont hold that against you. I do feel the need to explain to you though, that the whole thing wasnt about what milk did or didnt say.. i dont give a rats ass about what he said to be honest.. the point was that you think someone should be quiet in public in order to not blemish their reputation in this community. i do not even need valid arguments to claim that this is something ridiculous to say... Same goes for saying milk has made himself look stupid to defend fost -,- who in jezus' name cares whether milk made a small misjudgement: OMG MILK U LOOK SO DAMN STUPID NOW ... gimme a brake sir

now stop arguing please .. just do what you've prolly come to learn to be good at: accepting your a big looser.
yes thats the point. it would be bad to put my hands on the fire for nothing :!

hi there
yep right!!
hi2u all ok? :D
ye everything allright. exams are almost over. beach coming!
nice. glad u have sun in portugal.. its no beachweather atm here :/
Who loves ya, baby?
"high" skilled
so u played one day in he's home.. so that is the proof that he is clean?!?!!

And the other 364 days?!

Please sexyhot. lol.
you can always give it a try right? sorry but you're just defending a friend :P
I'd never heard about the guy until he joined up with koto and the rest of the new gifted players
you never heard of kMt aka k0m3t?

he is playing a long time now and archieved in some random 2 week wNb high experiments :P i heard one of these experiments beated idle in a prac :)
sexyhot you portuguese trash!!! :P
he is sexy like hell man! just liek your hair <3
haha kmt, that guy played like fucking long on a decent level and then started hacking.

yeah, u saw him playing doesnt mean he cant hack.. he was decent already without hacks after playing so long but still he managed to get busted.. i did actually notice a difference about his aiming now than he had before

maybe he hacked longer than you think
well as far as i can remember there was no kotos jumping around.. i doubt there was even a site called netcoders.. i dont think he hacked all the way from start and i dont think they were playing with hackz firstly in playboys (04 autumn or 05 spring) but that dont actually matter anything.. cheaters are cheaters always no use to think how long they've hacked (well, thats stupid nothing else)

say ^7m^6!^7das^6.^2: n1 bot
wasnt he in a team with this blue guy (i am not sure)??

btw you pwnd me with your sol_respawn bot? :DDDDDDD
and it must be month ago because i try to avoid whine and flame @globalchat
i think that blue guy played way lower levels.. and he was so obvious anyway dont think he played longer than few weeks with it :D theres always been some randoms getting busted i can even recall players busted 03-start of 04' =)

and yea it have been some months but ill always remember it because its first time anyone has said anything like that to me xD <3
then i am pleased to make you happy <3

good night
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