btw: i got logs of her confession!
<schNee> hey al7!
<al7> hi cheater
<schNee> omg busted :(
<al7> ure going down!!
<schNee> no pls dont :<<<<
<schNee> me was just testing
<al7> ure going DOWN
midas confessing hes a cheater + distriburor al7 undercover!
<al7> hey u still got those hax?
<m!das-> yea
<al7> hah nice, are they undetected?
<m!das> yep, i bought one 2 days ago!
<al7> cheater
<m!das-> omg busted :(
<al7> ure going down!
<m!das-> no pls :(
<m!das-> i was just testing
<al7> ure going DOWN!
*edit: ban!
but stiLL love you :P
she never would use hax i think so
and i can bust you for trying to take profit out of our beloved cheaterszene :P
Edit : ow, it says all languages. Damn
or no wait its ALSEVEN11!!
Ask Perfo
ban plz
*insert more generic crossfire responses here*