playing ET with 3 peeps on your internet

My connection is ADSL calculated on the length away from the central
download: 230 kbps
upload: 35 kbps

would it be possible to host a little lan and plan ET online with 3 on that internet?
tried it with 2 and got around 60 ping on a german server
why dont you just try it :P if it fails fall back on weed beer food and movies. always works.
should be the other way around tbh
its not like when im goin to smoke,drink or eat alot i bring my pc with me. when im goin to a "lan" and it sux we always endup stoned drunk and eating alot with a movie :P
ive never been to a lan =[
im in the crew of Netgamez but im talking more about "Friends lans" just for fun.
might lag, but it should be enough if you play on a nice server (if indeed you wanna play ET)
It might not work that well, but follow alpines advice plus you can add some heroes of might and magic series to mix, since you can play those with 1 at a time =).
just play gta2 on lan 8<
go on an empty cybergames server
do refvote
do teamlock
kick joiners

might lag a little bit but should be fine.
With 40 maxpackets it should work :). ( And a low bitrate on ventrilo )
or play 3on3 and avoid communication progs :P
or host ventrilo yourself and play 3on3's.
will have lagspikes here and there.. just try it, and use some lower packetsizes and rate
Or get better internet. I'm happy that I don't have such a slow Internet connection anymore. :D
belgium .. and i'm far away from the central -.-
Then you have to get Cable internet, like me. (Got 8 mbit right here)
afaik cable also uses centrals
Nope, they don't! :)

However, I live 500 meters from the central, but since I'm using cable internet, I haven't anything to do with the centrals.

Worked @ ADSL Internet Helpdesk (XS4all) and 2 weeks for a cable internet helpdesk (Chello), so thats why I know it ;)
I already switched from telenet to adsl a while ago : (
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