Tupac Resurrection !

Today is the day ! 777
Live by the gun, die by the gun,
2pac still alive xDD
7.07.07 7 o`clock
cmd say "^0(^7sweexh .bananaZ^0)^3: ^7When I saw the name mythos I already knew you were hackers."
07.07.07 7:07 a clock / Uhr

edit: and 7 seconds :/
few secs
Almost xD

EDIT: Where is he :O
today is the day.
when I left gD ='(
lol? meent ge da?
"-> Dan speel jij niet meer op ETTV in 3v3 cups ;( -> Boeiûh? Ga ik lekker op zoek naar een andere clan! Digitalnick on 07/07/07, 18:15:26 PM | Reply oke doei dan :/ "



Ik ben echt wel serieus [/sarcasm]
He only lived for 1 sec on 07/07/07 07:07:07 sorry if you missed it
Yep saw him @ footlocker
tupac is atm with elvis and kurt by burgerking eating some chicken wings :D
omg thats more german than english..
cool where will he spawn, so i can go and kill him again
nigger is dead and nigger will stay dead
rip tupac :(
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