Live Earth

save earth, turn off ur computers. who's watching it right now? I am fo sho, Metallica!

+ More trees, less Bush 8]

+Irish girl performed nice at New Jersey 8]

Edit: see this link, makes me sadpanda 8[
saw a part with metallica yeh

big variety of different singers and genres etc.. not too nice to watch
lol james cunt is on atm
+ turning me off in 10min
he suxor
Waste of time imo, people dont go there to raise awareness they just go there for the music.
who the fuck is al gore?:D
hes like the saviour of mankind, foolish peon!
you mean Al Gorre?

image: gorre-close
yeah i agree, its nice to have live music on tv :)
I've never seen any proof of global warming OR the harms of it OR my relevance in fighting against it.
what, are you serious? you think watching a concert on tv equates to +life as opposed to sitting being a computer equalling -life? how retarded can you be?

try going to a park, you might get a massive shock.
:((((( Well you just proved it does harm :(((( Polar bears are like the national pride of Finland.
We can all save the world by using snipers @ ET

71 fps -> less heat -> less electricitity -> happy polarbears
Cb rules allow 40 at least :(((( CB is against polarbears I see
Now that's like genius!!


- james hetfield guitar is probably mahagoni, which is rare tropical wood
- the concerts all over the world cost alot of energie (I doubt the run wind turbines behind stage)
- this event is nonsense :)

and mtv is teh sux
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