Almost bye bye. Greece<3

Hi all!

Well this month have been full of funny experiments for me ;)
I was in Greece on the Easycruiseone. We visited 7 Islands, 1 day per Island.
On the ship I learn how to dance Salsa and some wierd Greece dance too, got lots of beer great food
and beautiful ocean. In Greece it was like 35-40C every day so water was fantastic, but too salty.
I even got in on some German tv show when I was dancing salsa and greece dance. They say it will air on August
28th 22.15 on Vix Steru TV Reportage.

On the ship there were people from all over the world but Americans, Canadiens and Australian people were most
funny and wierd in there :P. (Italian people dont know how to talk in English) Greece girls are most beautiful
specially girl named "Nazia" never saw so beautiful girl in my life ;).
The trip was awsome.

But tommorow I will go to army for 6 months and I will be home almost every weekend \o/ (I hope)
So I say bb to you all and cya soon in ET:QW or in the same ET. Cant really decide wich is better ET or ET:QW
but I will just play ET and QW.

Worm, kholic, tala, xemi + other oldclannies! <3 cya @ cpc3
no Zorba? Oo
bye Quiki :) gl @ army and the water @ greece is uber salty.
did you fuck nazia?
No I didint. She was working in the bar. I ask her for a beer wich was like 4€ and I give her 10€ and sayd keep it all ;).
Im nice guy and nice guys dont succeed.
maybe you gave her too much :D
With tha 6E she has no reason to fuck you, you'd already paid her o/
10E for a beer lol
greece sux rofl ask that spoiled brat loekino
cool :>
gl @ army <3
Glad you had a good time. Im off to greece in 2 months to live in athens for half a year, but i got a month of holidays planned up front. I was thinking about some nice cruising between the islands. Was that Easy cruise worth it? And what did you pay?
Well it was easycruiseone. You can google it if you want.
It is very very cheap cruise with lots of fun going on. If you search for pussy you will find it there ;). The ship it self is very cool, but if you are going alone you will be bored. Trye takeing some friends with you ;).

Btw on the ship there is a list where you can sign for a buss trip to beach/somewhere but dont sign in on that trip for 23€ to a beach. You can get to the same beach with taxi only 1-10€ or by buss 0.80€.
Yeah we will def go with other exchange students hunting for everything fun in life :D

Cheers :)
vox, stern tv* :ppp

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