I caved in on the brave soldier routine with my wisdom tooth after getting a horrible nights sleep only to be met be the even more horrible reality of how money hungry private dentists are. I go in to the nearest practice i can find and spend more time filling in the form than actually being seen by the dentist. He prods around my mouth for two seconds, says he thinks its infected (I COULD HAVE TOLD HIM THIS, ITS RED) takes me for an xray and points out that maybe some food got stuck, and this is very common and then gives me some pills and sends me downstairs to be bent over and raped by a fifty pound bill. I did manage to squeeze one bit of information out of him that the rest of my teeth look fine from his xray, but he still thinks i should come back for a checkup, I'll come back when i win the lottery maybe!

In the war people fought for their freedoms, not to have them taken away by hotshot dentists who think they have a right to destroy your wallet. For fifty quid I'd expect a full facial and botox session aswell! Fifty quid for five minutes, CRAZY
Great journal

In germany they are not that expensive xD
we need the function to connect via mobile to crossfire. :((
and you realy think you arent a nerd!!!!
im convinced that im not ;)
what makes you such sure?
that you recovered in the last 1 month? :P
better late than never, eh? ;)
i am still in fear that you realy got reallife and i cant getting on your nerv@vent when i am want to!! but at least i can call you at your mobile :DPPPP
we can meet at vent next days. im not sure when, but we will and if u miss me just call me. <3
will there be a xfire-wedding at some point with both of u as main actors?
if we get some presents maybe ;)
i would bring at least one "midas-knows-what" for sure!
well me would like this too :p
enlarged! ;)
not sure if me will come? when will it be? where to sleep money etc?!
beginning of october - ask midas for a sleeping place :D (as long as u dindt get hundreds of pm´s already) - money? ur a girl, so just let the others pay for u ;-)
deal. u pay for me? so cu there.
prob is i can connect to crossfire see the forum but not the journals but cant login to check pms n stuff. but this prog helps?
this is a java emulator that enables you to open (almost?) every site there is

login works, and so do cookies
thx for ur help. will try it
it works!! thank u so much!
So that's why the CDC fee is 50...
well in fairness 50quid for an arse rape aint bad :D
Over a year ago I had an ingrown toenail, was kinda obvious it needed a small operation. In the 10 minutes (at best) it took for the consultant to confirm that, and schedule the operation, it cost me 200 Euro.
lol sick, i would just cut it out myself xd
i had exactly the same with except i had it twice :<...

had the same surgery twice :'(
this is why i love parents :‘)
mine clearly dont love me anymore!
Who gives you the right to speak to Loekino?
i can be your loving dad if you want to :$
and you just couldnt stay away =P
connecting via mobile isnt it possible mr.?
How's your life?
What a tragedy!
Yeah, I have to pay the same to hear the words: "Your teeth looks fine. Remember to floss!"

That's why i cancelled my appointment this year.
well just pm when u need me to say that sentence, i wont charge anything!
Well actually it could be nice to hear them now, as I cancelled my appointment and haven't heard them yet this year...
well u could, but i just want u to know that your teeth look fine. Remember to floss!
Thank you. That's good to know. cya next year!
And do you floss?
Sometimes. Prolly not as much as I should, but I'm satisfied with the amount of flossing I do.
I got my appointment at 3pm, I dont recall paying/having to pay that much.

Unemployed ftw
i once took my comp to the shop because i was performing poorly and i couldnt figure out what was causing this. When i got it back after a week, the only thing they did was reinstall some drivers, delete some clean programs and run an antivirus scan. For the majority of time, it looks like they had been playing ET with my comp.

Eventhough they didnt fix my fps, i still got charged 60euros! I BLAME CANADA (and prophet)
thanks for sharing
In Romania is cheap(er). I have a friend @uni who came home to Romania to get her wisedom tooth fixed (dunno what the problem was). Now I understand why :D I hope I won't need anything dental care while in UK :|
In Romania the dentist's equipment probably consists of a knife & fork and a rag drenched in choloform, so there's your answer. :P
From my own experience, it's modern enough. So you're wrong xD
the salary's of the ppl that work there
the costs of the building
the write-off on the insanely expensive equipment

should I go on?

stop whining.
please do, cause those are costs every company has to pay and it doesn't explain the insanely high prices they dare to charge
The fact that every company has to pay that is exactly the reason why the prices are the way they are. Run your own company first and you'll see that the 50 he charged really isn't that much.

Besides, it's not the dentist you should be complaining about but your healthcare insurances.
yup. would be nice, however it will result in cutting costs somewhere else. Infrastructure, pensions, you name it.
you forgot
"lining the pockets of the dentists"

are you forgetting how most private dentists are actually quite rich and well off?

are you also forgetting the insanely expensive study they took?
which doesn't take very long at all to pay off with the amount they earn
so what you are saying is that someone with such an expensive study and such high expenses during his carrier has no right to become rich?
dentists are covered by medical insurance
He clearly knows more than the people who live here!
A. Look after your teeth.

B. Get a Job where you get full healthcare np
£48 per check up for me also :) better private than nhs tbh
I went to the dentist for a check-up a week ago. I was in the fucking chair for an hour and he pulled out two teeth. Bastards.
He could have left them there with the result that you had to eat your dinner through a straw...
like i care
Ohh please... to get your teeth checked it costs atleast 50-100£ here in Denmark, the dentist prices are so insane...
Same happened to me at ultrasound
Quite cheap.
Great Read =>
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