Ask Perfo!

I found some commands in my config but I dont know what they stand for...What do the following commands do?

seta irc "wait"

seta logfile "2"

all the commands with g_

seta cvar_action "0"

seta color "4.0000"


Whats the command to change the colour of your general chats, i can remember playing with a cfg where everything in general chat was white/yellow (cant remember :p)??
logfile something to do with statwhore, color not a command, cf stats rtcw only (afaik) bot_ maybe bobot's or something

edit: options, filter colors or something
seta b_textcolorfilter "x" ??
that's the command, but don't know how to put the variable (maybe: b_textcolorfilter "1" to filter out red [red -> white])
you mean nexus.pk3?
gij kunnet weten éh :D
wait is a command for waiting after the last command!!

after the wait command usualy you set a digit how many FRAMES the game should wait !!!
100 fps, so you enter 500 = 5 sec :O ?
ye (someone correct me if i am wrong)
noobs u should wait for perfo's comment
he didnt(I think) create a new account like this tard after he got banned, though he got unbanned which I cannot understand.
g_ is all server settings, useless unless you host a server.
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