no more tour de france :(

wtf zdf and ard stop transmit the tour de france
ye some n00b got busted so they quit
ARD & ZDF are so wannabe and just a stupid decision. Eurosport > ARD/ZDF anyway.
true but i cant find eurosport :´(
Do a channel scan.
cheater everywhere!! shame on them!
like in all branches of human life
yep and i hate them all!!!!!!
Wanna go Boodock Saints on them with me? :P
we have to stop broadcasting ET matches also, we have some new busted cheaters every day.

retarded decission imho.
I second that
They're just being consequent.
oke then we should have to stop broadcating ET matches also, there a new busted cheaters every day
If ettv broadcasters had said that they would stop if more cheaters are caught (like the TV channels said) then they should do so yes.

In the mean time there will be no ETTV matches on ARD, ZDF or Eurosport, and no Tour de France on ETTV.
QuoteIn the mean time there will be no ETTV matches on ARD, ZDF or Eurosport, and no Tour de France on ETTV.

nice :D
didn't know they said that, ut it's still a retarded decission.

There are cheaters in every sport, only the nolifers who start cycling 3 hours a day for 2 weeks have more drugtests so they will be busted much faster then in most other sports.
Retard, those channels announced that they would stop broadcasting if another problem would occur. It did, and so they do what they promised.
they actively look for conspericies, it's one thing to be consequent, but they're paranoid on top of it
They just want a clean sport.
eat a frog!
Cycling is like ET :( full of cheaters
cycling sux anyways, boring like hell and everyone is doped anyway.
I remember a guy saying it's impossible for a human to overcome smth like Tour De France without doping, i think he's right.
right decision.

unlike ARD and ZDF, ETTV is a community project. If in future some company buys itself the rights to exclusively broadcast the ETTV matches of the top teams, they would also stop broadcasting if the league, may it be Clanbase, ESL etc. wouldn't show enough action against cheaters.
but the tour C&A admins are doing what they can, think they do more then those wnb cheatbusters in ET
i liek the tour , its a fun way to travel with out leaving your couch <=)
what happend ?
guid spoof @ TdFTV
btw Michael Rasmussen ftw!
finally a decition.
cycling is for sports what ET is for e-Sports imo :)
I laughed at the dog incident :D
It's broadcasted by SAT.1 now and started immediately.
It's a boring sport anyway :O
old one. sat.1 currently transmit the tour live and will do it till the end...
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