freedom of speech - cf

Do you think you have freedom of speech on here (crossfire) and if not, which sites do you think are the best/worst for "admin abuse" and deletions etc?
I only think Sol sucks.
The rest of the admin team is awesome and i rly like this site.
So nice cradle, tapsa, napsuccaj, aspat and everything else
jafohl! but that journal is from march and still topical :)
taLa God Offline
TosspoT God Online
Fusen God Offline
Nellie God Offline
foonr God Offline
raza Administrator Offline
Ronner Administrator Offline
hellgoat Administrator Offline
Angrykid Administrator Offline
Cash Administrator Offline
crow Administrator Offline
Rafiki Administrator Offline
-Max- Administrator Offline
Arachon Administrator Offline
sol Administrator Offline
Lightning Administrator Offline
arni Administrator Offline
Adacore Administrator Offline
chosen Administrator Offline
PetriP-TNT Administrator Offline
Baldrick Administrator Offline
xRio Administrator Online
Penn Administrator Online
Protex Moderator Offline
bullvox Moderator Offline
aCoZz Moderator Offline
Wesbo Moderator Offline
Sainted Moderator Offline
SonDac Moderator Online

these persons are superfriendly and nice, rest sux
lol evan? whats up with this sort of questions?
I'll give you three guesses.
im not good at these sort of guesses :<
I would be intrigued to find out what your assumptions were!
That you've wanted to become an administrator on crossfire for a very long time.
My interest in crossfire is nothing compared to what it was. I would lying if I said I didn't at one point, but other things have my priority now.
And no longer be able to say what you think? Notnx. xfire has an insane amount of admins, posting anything controversial means you have to get passed all 20 of them.
Define controversial. Surely, if an argument/topic you posted had relevance to the community, it wouldn't get deleted or do all "twenty" administrators feel that your opinions have no relevance?
only needs to be one out of 20
So there are twenty sets of rules/standards running crossfire?
I once got banned for a comment where one admin replied with [+] wheras an other admin banned me.
What was the comment about then? Surely if one administrator banned you and the other didn't, it couldn't have been against the rules. :-/
It was a stupid joke where I took some rant from youtube and put the name sol init instead of the fundi christian(reverand fallwell?) that some writer (higgens?) was flaming.
Well, it was probably just a misinterpreted joke then, since sol probably thought you where comparing him to Rev. Falwell, who was basically a nutter. If you have a look about on the net, you can see some of the shit he came out with and a lot of it is quite frankly, disgusting.

Probably just a random accident with two different interpretations as to what you where trying to do. (Ie. The joke.)
Indeed different interpretations which tend to happen more when you have 20+ admins.

Or you could insult any person (hype, rhand, etc) but once you flame an admin you get a ban. That same admin called you a retard the day before, but hey it must have been a misinterpretation. Or that night when god came home and had a drink, and I found myself banned from #crossfire while I rarely talk in the channel.

Also lets forget that day when I was on vent with (random mod) and he just nuked loekino's comment. When asking him why he did it the reply was: dunno. When mentioning it to nellie, he said gimme a name. Ofc I didnt, but why would i fucking lie? It wasnt even my comment which got killed. I gave him this example to prove that its kinda ghey getting moderated by a such a large group as there will always be one who thinks he should nuke or ban you.

Prolly just all misunderstandings etc
It's like a roundabout ;D
random quote:

(nellie02) Your 'friend' banned you last night after he'd had a drink

I fail to see the funnies in your reply :/
You don't need to throw sarcasm my way, I don't work for crossfire I was just genially interested in your original point about administrator abuse/inconsistency. I thought you would have been pleased about someone being interested in your run-ins with administrators. You clearly have a good point though.
I didnt feel like attacking you :/ Just dont get the roundabout thingy. (roundabout = rondput in duch, something a car drives on to when taking a crossroad xd) Im not a native speaker and frankly I dont think many ppl would understand :P

But, yeah its nice having someone listen to my drama xD
I basically meant that we went round in a circle because you started with talking about 20+ administrators and finished with that :-P
good admins!

taLa - doesnt speak that much, sometimes quite lazy(hint: make other news clickable!) nevertheless, where would we be without him?

TosspoT - sometimes dissapoints me with his selections but overall a good admin who keeps ET running

Fusen - even though I dont really like him as he keeps ignoring me and due to the thing he did to chaplja, he is doing important job for cf

Nellie - one of the kindest admins (sometimes), does his job, no complaints!

foonr - friendly admin, dont really know what he does for cf but atleast he is friendly! :D

2 lazy to write about the others, just picked the ones with god status!
but some of them are nice and good admins, some of them arent, some of them I have no opinion since I dont know them.
what about sol?
Fusen ignores most people, as he's a vagina.
GN is worse for adminabuse

they never ban me though, dont ask why
how about bio public? hello el retardo kevlar.
i don't play publics, and i wouldn't really call it a forum 8<
who said anything about forums?
well, he did say "sites"
dont take it so literally.
or you should read better! 8<
Because you aren't racist, stupid or insist on telling really "believable" stories about women you haven't have slept with.
but i am an arrogant cock !
Oh well, i'll just have to sort that out at CD3. ;-)
I like them. Everyone but Max. He sucks ass.
best is one of the chan's probably, everything allowed except child porn
this reminds me of the VB ( Vlaamsbelang) case when these belgian et playas took this name. There was a whole lot of whine.xD
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