Tlr vs Dignitas joke

I remember a certain scene in the EC XIV

Past : vib vs 141

server crashed at 4.40 when we had docs 20 meters before securing part.
whole map HAD to be replayed

Present : tlr vs dignitas

server changed maps at 13.xx
dignitas wants tlr to backspawn so they can secure the first part , twidi wants that too

i rofled so hard
+ vib vs 141 -> EC , tlr vs d retarded cup

et is such a fun game
clanbase is full of fun

Twidi must be voted "Best admin with a mental handicap"
theres also kiss.
kiss > all so stfu noname
that's bcuz he says "<3" to u everytime you come online
that's only 30% of the reason why i love him
other 70% is the fact you could cover him in pizzaboxes on fom?
:D Shaggy - Wasn't me
tbh, twidi got it right. Plant at 13:30 is perfectly logical
atm i think very highly of u , pls don't make me change that
I think he got it correct as well. There was no other logical solution.
so what should've been done at our situation? give us the docs after and let us run untill the same spot? hilarious decision
no one gives a shit about your situation, in this instance the decision was fair
rules are made to follow them , you as an admin should understand that , but you have a problem that's called mental retardness so i can forgive you that
Ok lets see if we can get through your head now and see if there is anything except mush in there.
How were TLR handicapped by the decision, they had time to setup their cp phase with mines, they could pack the whole team up with ammo and then have their fops with full charge ready for the dignitas push, you cant get more preperation for a second phase attack, if anything dignitas were still slightly handicapped because after the restart they were in a worse position than before the server changed maps
Do you call that ET , do you call that a final? what says it was good they could set themselves up , what says they wouldn't have done better normally? the fact that these decisions are always made in favour of dignitas makes me sick. If it was for another team this decision wouldn't have been made. That's my problem you carrot
you assume it was because it was Dignitas, wtf lol i would make the same decision in TLR's favour if the role had been reversed and i'm sure twidi would have too, why, because it was a fair decision, was the game good, hell no it was a shit final but you cant do much about that
im damn sure it's because it was dignitas , only fair decision is to replay the match from the beginning and not let them skip phases , what kind of crap is that . In every case before this they had to replay the match. Now in a etQcup final this is not the case , coincidence?(or w/e it's written like). I don't think so
i think the only one who is handicapped here is

it's the same situation retard , just at different times.

if this had happened with someone carrying the docs , would this decision be good ? NO (before u spend hours thinking about the answer)

So in ur opinion the cb rules for EC should be :

When a server reboots the oppo can take every obj , except when someone is carrying the docs.

Maybe u should spend more time with girlfriend instead of writing idiotic comments on a site about things u don't understand
lol at least i have options in what i do with my time as opposed to you who just makes yourself look like a fool 24/7
at least i don't have to manage teams becuz i suck in games
ok few replies to that:
1 - and you have achieved what exactly?
2 - Played for wales at Amateur level in Football U16 and Golf U18
3 -
Quote by game An activity providing entertainment or amusement; a pastime:
basically something u do for fun, you managing to play EC means fuck all

I can also say i have a rl outside of computing
gl 2 u
so you , the person who spends his time browsing xfire & arranging players & going to lans without actually playing ( + paying for 6 nerds to go to a lan out of your own pocket ), are saying that i am nolife wihtout even knowing my situation. I suggest going back to school to get some sense into those brains.

P.S : The last time i played any game is 3 weeks ago

I swim in my bigass pool , i play football, i thai-box 3 times a week & i smoke weed ( wich makes me extremely cool ).... don't call me nolife , or do it on lan
lol scary
pls give me a challenge and don't stop denying you are mentally retarded
give you a challenge like saying something like c u @ cpc3?

ok see u there and make a move if your such a big shot, if not just shut up acting hard and fuck off
i never make the first move , i'll make the last one

but i hate inettards saying i don't have a life while they don't even know me .
Quote by sneekSneeK_ on 23/07/07, 21:27:55 PM | Reply

at least i don't have to manage teams becuz i suck in games

lol @ your hypocricy then
managing teams in my dictionairy falls under the category nolife , not real life.
sure, or you're just jealous because u have to pay your own stuff to get on a lan?
ur comment would imply i was flaming a guy who got his trip payed by evo , while i am actually flaming the person who pays the other ones to go
i guess i get the money to pay for these teams with my no life?

O no wait it doesn't work like that, you have to have a life, intelligence and a job to earn money.

You sir are a fucking idiot. Go on with your pro life and you need never talk to me again unless you want to come up to me @ cpc3 and proove what a big man u r, apart from that keep shut.
i doubt you have intelligence if you pay 6 dudes to play on a lan
again your intelligence surprises me

1. if would need intelligence and a job to earn money people like sol would die of hunger. Social security is probably a term u have never heard of.

2. Having a job is not having a life , you can easily ( and probably are ) be working at a software company and still spend the whole day behind ur computer.

3. -------------------------------- weak move by myself :) --- ------( before ur next post is 'At least i'm not a virgin' i'm not).

4. I don't think i would have talked to you even before this flamewar , simply because u are no interesting person ( online that is , not offline since i don't know u rl before u start crying) talking about our sens or vid settings would be useless.

Gl in managing "" Career "" i hope ur players achieve alot and thus put a smile on your face.

P.S: i'm not a dick rl of on inet , u flamed vila with ur dumbass comment ... i react , next time think before u act and we'll be smoking a joint at cpc ;)
u think i would have a joint with u after calling my girlfriend ugly?
ill replace him, i dont think ur girl is ugly
he deleted some if his comments now
gosh... just stop it.
Each decision has to be made on a case by case basis. One rule never fits all scenarios.

This is why admins are hired, to solve problems (such as the one we saw tonight) quickly and correctly.
I prefer 13:37, but ok :)
Quote by mens0Boah the Polish shoutcaster...grrr

Poor twidi. It doesn't matter what he will do, he will earn whine. And Dignitas & TLR act a bit childish tbh.
So one situation handled wrongfully means that every situation after that should be threated equally wrong? I dont get it at all vila.
oh now suddenly everyone says our situation was threated wrong? im so surprised :D
current team : Quitted :)
and what does that have to do with my statement?
isnt it like "if the server crash the whole round have to be played again"???
whatever happened, i consider this cyber terrorism and those responsible will be found ...
How's life in a wheelchair?
no sneek neither vila detetced, so problem can be solved otherwise xD

en wa bedoelde daarmee eikel
different people different solution

nothing m0re

twidi needs money on obviously

7vs6 INTEL d.twidi
tlr fan detected
dignitas fanboi detected
wasn't even speccing the match, just sound like twidi made it right :>
sure it was right, team who lose cointoss (dignitas), pick up last map from mappoll :)
oh, I was speaking only the supply thingie :D
i though you weren't speccing the match!
wasn't even speccing the match, just sound like twidi made it right :>

I saw some of this flaming here and from there I made my opinion :>
admins licking their asses. they could change the matchdate, we couldn't.
twidi made the right decision, tlr fanbois go to hell
<3 twidii! <3
np they will pwn dignitas @ lan
Acozz nice attitude. Twidi made right decision. Better team won
2nd that
stupid tlr fanbois
stupid dignitas fanboi
im not, im independent
that was the fairest decission, that twidi could twidi make
Urtier is sponsored by Mc Donalds
ure not funny, do u know that?
semi funny imo
whats semi funny ?!
das is net witzig ...
i hope you get your ass kicked for that
you shoulda said urtier is sponsoring mcdonalds, woulda been funnier
It was a good decision because otherwise dignitas would've been punished for a fast attack. Seeing both maps, it would've been the same result anyway. TLR was horrible.
Idd, dignitas was going to win anyway
and now tlr is demotivated and have to start a map at the 2nd stage , ye that's much better
I understand that you support mAus, but losing the bunker so fast was the demotivating part imo. Also having a completely setup cp defense was an advantage and still they lost the cp within 1,5 minutes.
Besides, look at goldrush, 5:30 is worst time TLR defended ever. So I guess, they had no chance today, for whatever reason.
i agree they didn't played well
worst final ever, have nothing more to say
nice1 INTEL d.twidi
and I really lol'd bout cointoss
this cup FAIL
The admin shouldn't even have to tell tlr to spawn back, they should do it themselves out of fair play, su and don't make yourself look more retarded than you already have
dignitas should let tlr choise last map from cointoss, if you want fairplay, they play fair
i didn't see the game so i can't comment on that one since i have no clue what happened :p
then pls dont write about fairplay, because you are really wrong :(
care to explain what happened? :>
this sounds like d. fanbois vs tlr fanbois mais :~>
make a poll
No matter what decision was made it would have been unfair to someone, twidi made the option that was fairest.
He would never propose it, if dignitas players didn't ask for it so badly.
And if you were in dignitas' position?
but why shouldn't they ask for it, you would do the same if the situation was reversed
How do you know what I would have done??
Surely I wouldn't ask for such a ridicilous decision, especialy since the server crashed after 2 minutes of gameplay. I really don't mind losing in a fair way, but getting conned twice in a same match effects upon you with a large magnitude, and you just don't want to play anymore.
so you'd deny the oppertunity of an advantage when presented and choose for a solution that's benificial to the opponent?
I would act according to the rules, even if it doesn't benefit my team yes. But when you put me in an impossible situation, how should I react? Crawl and kiss else's feet. Plz.
unless there is an exact rule about these kind of situations it's up to the admin to decide what he thinks is fair and what isn't. it's nice that you would "follow the rules", but didn't he do the same? there is no rule that says the entire map has to be replayed. he judged the situation the way it was; you lost the flag before the server restart. what he tried to do is create a situation comparable to the situation before the server restarted, what's wrong with that? sure, his decision might have been influenced by dignitas requesting something along these lines, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have made the same decision without this. furthermore, it also doesn't put your team in a disadvantage, as you could've lost the flag and gate before 13.30

the only reason this measure turned into a disadvantage for your team is because you strongly objected to this decision, not because it was unfair. even if you don't agree with it, bitching about it and flaming everyone won't really motivate your own team creating an unnecissary disadvantage

it would've been fair from dignitas if they agreed to replaying the map, but they didn't. what happened is not against the rules and it eventually was the admin's decision. wether or not you lost because of this, you lost. live with it
yes that cointoss part was really fair

btw, ur shoutcast rocked today :P
i had a bad impression about u at the first time i was listining to u
but today i liked it :)

go on
Can somebody tell what the hell happened in that match? :)
it was priceless !!!
and for some reason you forgot to mention that dignitas captured the flag before the server restart?
if the decision was so "fair" how come the final was so sux and depress :~<
Who won anyway ?
I would have done a reset, but who am I ...

(cba reading this topic, just watched the title, so dont flame me if 90% wrote already to reset)
you were gonna set a time of 5.20 +- before it crashed (4.40 left ), you set a time of around 5.50 - 6.00 or so if I'm not mistaken when you did it again

when we attacked our time was 4.59 I think so it didn't actually mather

but you're right, admins favor the best
check your demo's my fellow belgian , the time about to be set was 4.4x , next we set 5.2x or smt so it was a difference
server crashed at 4.40 when we had docs 20 meters before securing part.

10 - 5.20 = 4.40

i based myself on that :[
The only logical sollution is replaying the match ... What if the server crashed right before the only engi was constructing cp?
It sucks, but when a server crashes the match has to be replayed.

Twidi his decision gave one team a slight advantage wich made the match unfair & subjective.
hahahahahahahahaha i just can laugh about ur problems
Best solution:
-Reset the match
-Let TLR guys decide to go back and dont defend the 1st stage
this is one of the few times i have to agree with you vilango :o
never say never :D
its happend few times before already :DDDDDDDDDD

at least it was a bullshit decision to say "spawn back and let them take flag bla bla"!!

absolutly indiscussable

if a server crashes the whole sw round should be played again!!

but hey it was dignitas they need the advantage :]
yup agreed so hard with that last line
if a match is possible 'reset' and let other team take stages they got before the shutdown its fair. This should be done in every situation and it isnt even hard.
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