acozz naughty?

acozz being naughty boy


soz kamz
Snow - Informer
heavy song :d
kamz is a fucking nice guy to ppl who not blaming him all the time. acozz i dont kno
he has every right to flame everyone
kamz isnt flaming everyone at all
but everyone is flaming kamz
:( sorry than kamz :(
aka you are a loser?
I just feel comfortable while sorounded by other idiots, like the dignitas team for example...

Anyway, nice writting the rules as it pleases you twidi, best cup ever.
indd, making a new rules is stupid, standard rules are to restart the map
And why follow rules when things can be solved in a much more fair way?
its not 100% fair like this...
Lets say its ~90% fair this way, restart would then be ~70% fair. If you, for some strange reason, dont agree with that Id really like to know.
if dignitas took the flag in 3 min they could do it again wouldnt they? think about what i just wrote and make other senses related to tlr
My view of "fair" is based on the pure fact that recreating the same situation as before is the best for the game. Your view of fair is to restart the game because the attacking team _might_ set the same time again. I really dont get your logic. :/
et is based on lotto, what i mean with lotto, changing one point of the game can fuck up everything(advantages and disadvantages). if they just resetted it would be fair, cause d. breached true with lotto and teamplay turn the table and look in tlr's view as axis, they could have holded it with lotto and won the map. i cant really explain it in english:<
Yes of course its based on lotto. Ever team got a sertain chance to beat another team. But when a round starts both teams agree (for the sake of saving time) to let that round and that round only decide what team that can be considerd winners.

By recreateing 20% of the map only 80% will be a new round, this is better than replaying 100% right?

Its all opinions we're dealing with here, we will never come to an agreement, just understanding of the other parts view on the matter. I understand your point of view since long and I hope you can understand mine because I really dont want to discuss it much further.
because they are rules? that's really the most stupid comment ever
So rules should be followed because they are rules even if the rules are flawed or created for situations not similiar to the situation you are currently in? Are you a highschool teacher or something?
the rules should be followed. If the rules don't fit in the situation, edit them AFTER the match. This is just not fair for TLR. Ofcourse, dignitas would have a disadvantage if they would have restarted, but rules are rules
So even when the way it was played out now was IN FACT more fair for BOTH teams it shouldnt have been done because "rules are rules"?
both teams? what's the advantage for TLR? They couldn't possibly lose the flag faster...
Advantage? Who the fuck said something about that? WHATS MOST FAIR is was Im talking about. :) I could reply with "how is restarting the map good for dignitas?"
it ain't fair for dignitas, but rules are rules, and that's kinda the end of this discussion...
Its not really the end of the discussing since then you wouldnt see so many people replying to those saying that "du-uh rules are öh-höh rules."
actually I'm talking about OUR discussion. I said my opinion and I sure hope twidi (or any other admin) is gonna do something about the rules now. Of course I understand your opinion too, but rules are rules and twidi kinda ignored them. Now I'm going to watch some more tv so replying won't help since I won't respond for one week (holiday ;) )
OK Ill respond anyway, just trying to see how many discussions I can hold on to at the same time.
Haha, you rule kristofferson.
Oh man could you see how many discussions I had there for a while Rhand??
Yeah, I could. Pretty impressive !

One day I hope I'll reach your level.
Then I'll strive to get as close as possible !
damn ur cool ! ;)
Like counting to infinity.
I did that already.
Lotix, n/o, but you would suck so hard in hosting a cup.
If the rules say : 'Restart when the server chrashes, then you reset, and dont think about smth 'what could be the most fair'".

Expecting some mTz guys flaming on me...
why dont you, if its possible?

and dont give me another "rules are rules", I want a logic awnser to why its always better to follow rules even if there is a really easy and really obvious way to make the game more fair.

*oh and trust me, I would be the best damn admin you'd ever seen :)
You dont cause of the fact that as admin, you need something to get some back up, named rules. If you dont use them properly, they can be used against you and if you use them at a moment, but not on another, then you are stupid.

I hope you can get an insight now.
Youre right. Where do you draw the line between "we can recreate it" and "we restart it"? The fact is that we cant do that and in some way it flaws my argument that the ref should decide when to do it and when not do because it could, in the long run, become a problem. However I still think letting the ref decide weights heavier since those problems are so rare.

Also Ive focused my discussion on this particular round and the thing I had the most problem with was tlr's obvious attempts to go with the solution that would favor them most, not the one that made most sense.
I didnt see the match.
When you should recreate the rule : after the match.

Well, yea, on the ref part, you got my point, so I'll stop for now =).
I don't know if that's sarcams or what... but every single competition has the same rules about the cointoss afair, and now it suddendly changes.

And that we were forced to spawn back and let them plant at 13.30 was hillarious really, I wonder what would have happen if we were the first team attacking.
or what would happen if it wasn't """almighty""" dignitas
just my 2cents, but i think you are not objective because your friend mAus is in TLR, imo arguements like omg TLR had to spawn back because it was dignitas is foolish, although you are right, reset would've been right
im not objective because we have experienced a similar situation and that decision was a big disadvantage for us .

im referring to our ec match vs 141
dont get old cows out of the ditch
dont mix up clanbase and other cups pleaaaase
Beeing pretty sure about the attitude of the dignitas players Im 100% they would act as you did... but now its you who did it, not them. :)

I would have no problem seeing you arguing that it would be the best thing to follow the rules and just restart the map... if it wasnt for the fact that the only reason you did it was because it would favour you more than dignitas. Try to get that.
You played like shit so who cares what happened. Maybe you were going to lose anyway. Dont know about rules but plant @ 13.30 was right decision and you got time to put mines and every medic got ammo etc
I wonder what would have happened if the server crashed after 7 minutes and you were still holding the flag..
about teh dignitas egoidiots i agree
If there is one thing I really like with a ref is seeing him doing whats most fair for both teams instead of pulling his nose deep down in a book to see what some other guy wrote in an attempt to cover every single situation that can occur during a game.
and you are 100% right
what did you do Tomi?:)
acozz > dicknitas
we need a crossfire poll for who's right... Twidi or aCoZz
made my day X))))
what happend?
shit game
acozz get skill plz
acozz is a bad loser
worst final ever
match was fucked up, but things got settled in a fair way
<3 twidi n1 admin :)
lol the backspawn was bullshit and it was the almighty dignitas :'<
one server crash splits the whole community
maus fanboys versus rest world =<
Did dAv1d whine?!?
Can't be!
they should have atleast told about the way the coin toss works, since it wasnt specified in the rules, except announcing 'General rules considering the gameplay will be the same as in ClanBase.'

well dont cry, I like the way admins acted
damn looks like i missed something
Better team won. End of story.
i am sorry for TLR :o
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