I feel like a crap...

image: goodmorningcreaturehc7

Good morning friend's:) Such a beautifull day will be here:) Sun is shining, bird's are singing, I see blue sky without any clouds... to bad I will be sleeping whole day:(
Booh I hate back to home after the night work.
thank you mate:) same for you, or you just woke up?:)
bibuy! Going to home:) have nice dreams!
I cant sleep.
Fasolka fasolka fasolka! Cheer up, beeing a vampire has It's bright sides.

I for an example am a vampire, and I'm great aint I? Plus I'm probably gonna sleep for a while, then I'm getting myself tattooed today and cool and stuff.

Do you think a normal person would experience that? Don't think so.
Tattoo's suck.
snyggt stekarN, stöt på mer polackavskum!
Ursäkta mig mister Härdin, mannen som gillar asiatiska barn.
Good night ! sweat dreams darling <3
I hope you'll have nightmares.
I just woke up.

But anyway, I sleep ferfectly since i know you're busted & banned.
open a blog!!!!!!!!!!
dont feel crap. i like you =)
i wish you sweet dreams. sleep tight!
Drink some redbulls or cofee , you don't will sleep :D
I feel like a crap...

Don't you mean "i feel like crap" ? :)

The way you wrote it means you need to go to the toilet and have a big shit, if thats what you meant go ahead, take some reading material and enjoy :P
or she feels like the big shit itself!
ja ja ja i meant " I feel like crap" ^^ but forgive me, was 12 hours in work so my mind was slowly as hell and etc etc:) but thank's for advice, i am not perfectly in my english so every advices will be nice:)
it's cold and raining
dont whine last week i had to work from 22h till 6u20 so your not the only one:)

and yes i felt like a crap too :D
but i working that almost every night :D
so it isn't nice:(
it earns pretty good tho (130€ a night for me :O )
i worked only a few days cause its with day contracts and they don't call everyday :((
hee isn't that good. I have only 50 euros per one day/night! :(
ya its very good :D but thats only at night, during the day its only 80-85 :DD
im with u and slept the day until now.
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