ha ha yawn =D

Just want to say that I always lough about those whiners, "ohhh yawn entrys, he's a cheater" =D

For all those people who want be called as a cheater as well, write kik_aim 1 into ur config or just create an empty cfg called etbot.cfg and put it into the etmain folder, PLZ THIS THINGS ARE REALLY GOOD HAXXX!!!111

omg yawn sux

EDIT: omg, I don't talk of me ffs, i'm not banned and don't have yawn entrys..just take it generally..
this man speaks the truth
And he has revealed the unknown truth!
hehe :D
What is this kik_aim anyways?
I asked you what the kik_aim was for, I kinda figured it out myself that it was a command! :p
used to make cheats work
try it out :x

still any questions?
an invalid cheat command afaik
dumber than dirt...
to bad you will be banned even if you just write it for "fun".

And what is that taking as a reward that you haven't cheated in a mp game?
u retarted? no rly...
Spawn more overlords!
pronounce "D" once , irl. You'll see "the" isn't" D" , :[

True story , tried myself
2 digits IQ
oMiGaWd that's liek one more than average on xfire!!!11
most of people who got this warnings cheated in the past maybe they never cheated on a war or smth like this but surely they cheated so they are cheater isnt it? and yes sometimes there are false entries but i am more than sure that this just happens in 1 % of all triangle entries!!

and if you are dump enough to put cvar´s from hacks like kik_aim in your cfg you should be banned aswell :]

edit: and i guess he tried a hack and is pretty fucked up because he got busted and btw

Member For: 4 months and 13 days
erm, i didn't talk of me did I??? reg. since 4 months is just the CF acc. I played more than 3 years i think..

and btw. its the wrnog way to ban people just bcoz of simple trying etmain hax or writing stupid things into their configs, nobody cares about etmain hackers or people with "kik_aim 1". But people care about those privat hackers..who never get banned.
etmain cheater = cheater? isnt it? and as far as i known CB dont tolerate public cheater so they get a ban like they deserve!!

at least i dont care about cheaters :P

whats your old nick if you play 3 years already?
my nick is kallomena since I started playin CS in 2003. I just didn't know about CF all the time..

and btw. esl acc Jun. 04 cb acc smth. 05
so you played public 2 years and then joined your first clan? :o
wtf? u just dont know neither me nor the clan hsg in which i played since 2004. just look at myesl profile..there u can see that i didn't play pub only for two years ;)
Nice Sherlock
Your statement is debatable.
True, Cvar kicks aren't a good enough excuse to ban someone (Considering you can just type sol_aim 1 in console) but Yawn also tells you that they've been kicked for other things, .dll / log files and Multihacks etc.

So it is quite useful, whether they cheat or not now that's up to your own personal judgement
omg you suck
If someone is stupid enough to call his cfg etbot.cfg or to write "kik_aim 1" without a reason into his config, he deserves to be banned.
I hope you realise that anyone could say they are that 1%.
soooooooo olddddddddddddddd
i dont care about these fucking cheater shit, i dont wanna read this fucking shit again. never ever!!!!!!! so leave me alone!!!!!! bla me out!
you don't have to read it do you?? -.-
u dont have to take it personally do you? :p
i don't? :P It's my journal and u answered to it, so i took it personally =D
r u a cheater? if not u dont have to take it personnaly i just was in my flaming mood against cheaters... :D
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