Sorry xpaz

About this
I supported a hacker yes i did and i'm sorry.
I dont take it so serious if its not competion maybe i should and i will,
but i clearly made a misstake and u can keep on blamin me but the fact that you give bSTURZ a reputation they dont deserve is just lame

I ME MYSELF did a misstake and i'm sorry for it really sorry..
but what i did is not bSTURZ problems we all make misstakes ,
xpaz i'm sorry for my childin retardish behaviour. i'm just havin a bad day after makin a bad misstake ^^
but blame me and not my teamates and everyone whos trying to give us a shit name please just drop it we already have it
you say 2 weeks teams always and its just the fact that every team that actually beat another team in 2 weeks are hackers or just hackin
just drop that aswell give everyone a chance to prove themself,
this is just way to much even for me we had people trying to kill us since we started now by this hackin accusations
Give me proofs for anyone hackin in bSTURZ and i will gladly fix it

again xpaz i'm sorry for my stupid misstake it was very retardish
why the bucket? :D
You don't put trash in those bins though :D
this really is grovelling, repeated every 3 or so lines :&
yeah man
ican send you a demo when i pwn you & uniX ezi
and 2week ago i played again
wtf skill-boost you are a hacker to gg
plz ban those retards
efax? i can send u over 10 demos of us pwning u, both after and before that event, so dont make this anything u cant handle
you pwn me 1 time so and send it i will see it ou pwning me
efax, ive played against u for quiet a time now... dont try to hide the past
lets talk about the past ? where was you skill @ the lan
o yeah and i played with intense vs you and you gosu m8
we still pwned you =] and now i wanna have that demo
that you pwned ? plz send
send me the demo, i didnt play bad a single time at lan
Efax my little hacker <3
why Squallli dont say that to me
I`ve got tears in my eyes im going now ='[
unix did aim well on lan tbh
it's only online peoples, you realy dont need explnation to everyone here, i dont even care what peoples thinks on me here
this is almost as entertaining as the kamz drama
just typed it in 2 min afraid of gettin banned again hehe :(
Who did you support?
myth6s - already busted
wizzel - even his own teammates wonder why he was so horrible at shgopen.... would take some retard like u to think he didnt/doesnt cheat
unix - i never really 'suspected' him but those avis are really wierd....

u wonder why people now think u are a retard
u wonder why bSTURZ has a bad reputation... besides being pricks and dumbasses there are cheaters....

What's weird about those avis?

When you use high gamma pillars appear to be moving, don't tell me you never experienced that!
i guess it could be another situation of having colorbits = 16 not 32!
you never shot against corners, pillars or trees while tracking someone?!

its not that it happens quite often but it can happen tbH!!
i agree with toxic why myth6s is still playing?
6 months ban is over i think :X
drama :X
jesus died for us all
Im thinking 5 mins now to come up with a decent reply...

but i failed
wait for bulld0g cmmt =]
pm xpaz, we simply dont fucking care.
I did a pbss shot of myth6s checkin IP,s with those they DONT match :( so for me that was clearly enough proofs
t-online = every disconnect new ip
pbss doesn't show his ip, it shows only server's ip
pbss = ip of server.. AHAHAHA cant stop laugh now :D:D:D:D:D
pm fattony for proof
like they care :/
sad but true
Locations were diffrent aswell in germany :(
afaik... the location isnt of where the guy lives, of where the isp is located
Are you dumb?
wauw this is pretty pathetic
k your sad
nobody can stop me from playing with faerydae !
Ok now you can suck his dick and call him jesus thanks !
keep on ass lickin.
Bulld0g tell us the truth !
You've recently posted a journal which includes like 20 sentences and 1 meaning which you could easily type in 1 sentence?

nice engrish
The funny thing is after that game the guy was a real comedian:
faerydae1337 added you as a buddy! Crossfire 26 Jul 07, 20:35

his profile on xfire for those who care:
He's banned. ;)
you do know who he is dont you?
Yes i'm a friend of him as i said :/ i made a misstake i knew him before he got banned and i played with him before he got banned in 3on3s
Okay, kiddo!
seriously, wizzel really appeared to be a bit weird lately. and myth6s was being regarded a cheater for a pretty long time now. and playing with nC guys just makes the whole stuff even more retarded.
mztik i dont see the point of still keepin this on and makin it worse I already apoligoize for this and noone else knew from bsturz he was who he was and he added people on xfire becouse he was on vent with me ok?
i dont see what you are trying to do now as i did my misstake
And people thought there wont be anyone replacing kamz!
made my day
are you scared of xpaz? :D
dude thats so romantic.
fattony wo bist duuuuu
Chaoz i'm not scared of xpaz i coulden't care less about him but i know i made a misstake and when i find out i did i'm sorry for it whoever it is this one is a pretty big one :)
hope u read it becouse me and replys are just awesome ^^
why do u care so much? faeryblabla is a nice guy who cares? :D
you could use the reply button
nice asslickin ;)
So to sum up things..

Fuchs has a good friend who is a cheater and still continues to play with him 3o3.

In fact he cheers his BANNED friend to turn on aimbot/WH and pwn their
opponents. Child.

Other members of bSTURZ are unix and wizzel.

Unix is all-around suspicious. (reference to recent forum entries)

Wizzel was low-med at lan but mega-pr0 @ online. (reference to his performance @ LAN)

Their good ex-friend is efax aka viborator, also their former teammate. Efax is associated with a number of busted clans (team carnage and some others later).
Efax has a row (in this very journal) about how unix is oLoLh4x.

Did I get that about right?
pretty much yes

QuoteUnix is all-around suspicious. (reference to recent forum entries)


I'm not defending anyone else in this thread, except uniX. I don't see how you can think he cheats in any way. Theres nothing suspicious about him. In addition, he was probably one of the best aimers at SHGOpen.
QuoteI'm not defending anyone else in this thread, except uniX. I don't see how you can think he cheats in any way. Theres nothing suspicious about him.

The avis are suspicious. His association to efax/viborator is not helping him.
Neither does being a member of a clan whose members play with known banned friends and cheer them to use cheats. And he is a member of a team that has a banned cheater in the lineup (myth6s).

I think there's enough reason to have some doubts about him. Allthough I've already an oppinion which you probably are aware of.
sry but myth6s is not clean. Was playing in my team, so i know what im talkin about.

hi2u heinzi!
myth6s = myth6s

heinZi = xCess
yup thats true
ban ppl playing with obvious cheaters
QuoteGive me proofs for anyone hackin in bSTURZ and i will gladly fix it

Quote by ToX saidmyth6s - already busted
wizzel - even his own teammates wonder why he was so horrible at shgopen.... would take some retard like u to think he didnt/doesnt cheat
unix - i never really 'suspected' him but those avis are really wierd....

fix it then :))))))))))
fanboy..... kill yourself plxz.
shut up and die
Takes a man to admit it. good job
I see fuchs has a nice reputation
wasnt myth6s allready banned? didnt he play with that 3v3 team of cheaters, the obvious ones? Im not saying he still cheats, but I am sure that he did before. If he isnt banned he should be.
Menar du att du spela med den där faerdae lr vem fan de va, han fuska sönder skämms!
nej gayzor jag speccade honom hehe :) och ville få bort dom från servern han satt på vent och sa haha nu ska jag fuska och då skrev jag på servern ingame ok show me the real feardrey för dom itne ville disconnecta då fuskade han
cheaters in ET?!
die cheaterssSSSsSsssSSssSSSSSSS
wizzel + unix cheaters 100 %
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