Long time no Journal

Been a "long" time since i wrote another boring Journal.

Anyway here goes, for all those who really really hate/love journals.

What should i announce this time, mmmmmh.

Ow, i know !

I've signed my fulltime job contract last week wednesday and got to sign the real contract in a week or two.

Starting the 3d of September, i'll be working fulltime for Swift - http://www.swift.com .
I wi'll be an Associate System & Application Management & Support Specialist there and yes, i earn enough :p.

That's it for today, see you buggers in a few months with another boring Journal.

man thats interesting.... for real!
Another Journal and its retarded to :D
i love you 2 cheesiepoof :p <3
Quote by anacondaI wi'll be an Associate System & Application Management & Support Specialist there and yes, i earn enough :p.

So I get my 25 euro's a month?
If u perform a decent "job", sure :p
K, I'll do another cup. You can already send the moneyyyy
Nice, btw this journal ain't half as boring as some other things you see here... :P
Gl wif job m8y boi :).
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