
As i heard , saw and understood , the almighty Netherlands Kreaturen side has returned to Enemy Territory.

I request from you to name their best players and their current lineup !

HF #Kreaturen
Europe Kreaturen
Europe Is
Europe Dead
Europe m8
Europe so
Europe GTFO
too bad it will be full of SKILLED PLAYERS FROM THE NETHERLANDS...
His ban is shortened to 3 months and it will expire the 17th of september
in less that 3 months, the clan is dead.
Who cares, we will only play for the cpc. After that we will stop
Well, Gl then, wish u the best
that's still alot
Why was is shortened? it wasn't a cvar ban.
die noob van op ettv ?
Yes, ''To Fictory!''
image: 2000386275223404044_rs

(c) tekk|aFK47
met je hand in je poep
i guess

Netherlands Lun4tic
Netherlands BuLL
Netherlands teKoa
Netherlands milk
Netherlands Azz0r
Netherlands tba


Netherlands jackie or Netherlands sem
pure NL imho
the arrogant dutchies are back

gl nice team hf
w00t w00t, good luck, especially m1lk, teKoa and Azz0r!
Lun4t1c <3333333333333

gl kreaturen!
arent there any demos of lunatic and his old times ?
iam too newsql to know how good he is i just saw him against ND but he was inactive before.
to bad Azoor is a realifer :P

Lun4t1C play ROSE LOL

and thats it
why was he banned?
need more krea news
|00:23:58| * Topic is '|K| Kreaturen will most likely attend the CDC3 in Enschede |K| official statement soon! |K|'

how dumb can pros be? :'( makes me sad panda
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