fps drops (again)

i still have got fps drops each 3-5 seconds.
i formatted my pc a few days ago, but it still keeps dropping.
So, how can i see wether its my vga or my cpu who is causing the problems ?
I blame PB
Spijtig voor jou
ben zeker da mensen hier hun problemen posten om dit soort reacties te krijgen. Keep up the good work. Ge doe da goe. [dutch]
:x heb gisteren met hem gespeeld en dat is gewoon een manier om hallo te zegge ! [/flemish]
reset router maybe?
i resetted my router a 1000 times last year so i think that is not the problem :>
There must be somekinda process that takes CPU every 3-5 seconds or it's a bottleneck in your netpackets traffic.
i just played a war and checked my cpu histori and i didn't notice something strange
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