
does anybody get them? normaly get them every couple of months, started to use a paracetmol called paramex and for me it stop me getting a headache afterwards.

u need imigran mate, expensive medicine tho but i know what u mean, it fucks u up so bad ;/
vasoconstriction causes migranes
hint of the day: alcohol is a vasodilatator
i had that about 3 years ago, every fucking day, but magicaly went away somehow!
too much computer!
well, i didnt really often use the pc back then, unlike nowadays :[]
that means that you're safe from migranes when using computer. What a great news.
apparently yes :X
Every day? I would have killed myself in the first 2 weeks :S
tbh i would think i would have a braintumor , it would make me scared
never had one !

dont get adicted!
I have one each month or so, its uberannoying :/
i used to get them about 2 years ago, started with the twitching of my left eye and then getting blurry vision. Then i would get a pounding pain above my left eye and end up being sick. However, havent had 1 for a year so :)
Never had one.
I get them whenever I'm on the blob :{
i always get m while visiting crossfire.nu
ye, me had it too for years, but since a year, i dont have it anymore, maybe once in a half year... try to change ur food... helps for me
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