continual improvement

i wanna say that it would be nice, if i could make my pm's unread (not the "u got a reply blabla")....
sometimes i cant answer all pm's and if i login next time i wanna see that there are still some unread pm's in my inbox and accordingly search some old pm's.. would be nice, if u could add this.. hope im not alone. so pls girls and guys sign in.....
premiere filmfest - inside deep throat
wtf its 11:32 o0
well i read them but not always, and sometimes i have no time to answer them.. :/
It's more annoying that you have to go into the inbox then into a PM, and finally click the "You can read the comment here"-link to get to a reply.
There should just be a reply-box just like "Other News", "Journals" etc...

(granted that you have "PM Replies" activated in profile)
You could also temporary bookmark the item.
But a function like that would be easier indeed.. :p
voetsjoeba at gmail dot com schnee
tala? u think he will add it? thx2u :)
He won't but just send him a huge flame mail! He loves fans!
maybe you could stop whoring yourself around and then you wouldn't get so many pms
looooool. i dont know what u think what kind of pm's i get......
u actually take this all bit way to serious man..
filthy garbage bag wearing slut
again my bag ffs!!!! i will buy a new one -.-
omg faster pls!!
stop replying to me whore
u cant talk to me... so i'll still reply
zomg, how much for a blowjob? or do you give it free?
for u for free, but only if u go on with giving me bad names..
lol if u take this all serious whats gonna happen here..
so whats the purpose of ur words?
sarcasm probably, dont know rly
horny nolifers will never stop it
and we gonna rock it!
Quotesometimes i cant answer all pm's

That's what you get if you spam xfire!
i get serious requests about my music favs n stuff, that doesnt really regards on my spamming. and aaaaaaah ill try to stop it, u know that... :(
yaya you don't spam anymore, but still reply alot :)

Also like people want to know your music stuff, they want something else.

People never pm me about music taste :/
maybe u dont listen to the right music. nah u know me, i always try to help ppl out there and they help me if im searchng for music. and i dunno what u mean, what else they want from me^^
and wouldnt it be unfriendly if i wouldnt reply? :D
Ya i listen to music noone likes :/, And i think not replying to the most part of this community wouldn't be that bad.

Anywho, whatever makes you happy, hf pming !_!
if the situation isnt clear, me have to reply until it is clear. nah....
u r right daddy, i'll better myself...
Who's your daddy!
u since u going to eat my kids...
Lies, you got no kids, nothing to eat.
busted.... but to be a brave girl me will go off now...
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