:O Yet another kitty!

Today me and Esther were watching some pics of kittens and looked at the ads on marktplaats.nl :O there was one ad of this amazing little Birman. I begged my mom if I could buy it and she said yes in the end! Now enjoy pics of my little kitty!

image: heilig_res

image: chaggy_res

image: likken_res

image: lief_res

:O If anyone would be interested in seeing pics of my other 4 cats (yes this is my fifth :D) I will upload those as well!


some more pics :o

image: sophia

This is Sophia, my only female cat and shes the youngest (with the exception of emma of course). She's 7 months or so.

image: sammie

This is Sammie, :P hes my fav cat! Hes absolutely amazing. 3 years or so!

image: billy

This is Billy my first cat ;o he only has three legs due to him being an idiot and running under cars several times! He's 13 years :o

image: noppes

This one we got when he was already 15 years and he used to got beaten up, that's why he's still very scared and runs away quickly. He's now 20 /21.

image: sleepy

image: cuteee

image: sleepy2
wth are u doin? u want to create a cat farm?
6 kittys gg
nice one! =)
I like normal kittens more, this one looks weird.

kan esther de concurentie wel aan ? :P
Do you know the race "heilige birmaan"? This is one, but she looks like a "pluizenbol" on the pics though I garantuee you she looks great :P better than any of my other cats.
nooit van gehoord, maar die oogjes zien der wel schattig uit. wordt tijd dat je hem/haar gaat wassen! heeft hij/ze al een naam?
lief hoor :D, we kunnen zelf geen kat houden ivm met de hond :P anders had ik er ook wel graag een willen hebben
a second kitty O ohwwwww
image: Bengal

Im gonna get one of these soon
if thats a cat I want one
Thats a cat, but they cost like 600 euro
ps3 when MGS4 comes out or a tiger-cat
I would go for a tigercat and wait for the ps3, since they will probably lower the price on the ps3 in a year or so to be able to compete with Microsoft, but thats just a guess
cute one :)
Looks weird but fluffy !
She's adorable:o!
The first pic is really nice! :o

And where are the pictures of our lovely kitten esther? ;)
Wow wesbo,turly this one is amazing,loves it :)
dude... get a dog or something

But it's no match for the mighty Norwegian Forest Cat. Bestest cats ever!
:P I had the choice between that cat and this one and I prefered this one! Puh!
ahoi, where have you been the past .... century lol :'<
Dead router! Finally got a new one :>
My cat own your cat , let's do a fight k ?
oe oe koele katjes
i got a terrorist catLOL

outland rox
I like cats
Amen on that.
lol so many cats. btw sophia looks like jaspers cat..
and im jealous now, me wants one too :(
So awesome!
aaaaaah wesbo wat een fijn beest:D
jij hebt focking veel katten btw waar laat je ze allemaal gek
Wij hadden er 10 np4memoeder!
haha 10? gekkenhuis dat kost alleen maar geld
:P Hier en daar.. Lavod is een boer ;F boerderij kan je meer dieren neerpleuren he
oh tjongejonge ja daar heb je t al dan vind ik er 5 nog wel genoeg :D
your cat's are so sweet:)
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