
after playing beta2 where i had 30 fps [29fps more than i had in beta1] ive come to a conclusion that the game just isnt.... good. Its horrible

The hitboxes are horrible
The crosshair moves funnily [at least for me and my fps], it like.. jerks
The game feels REALLY slow
The new map is horrible
The objectives are shit
Its boring

note... this is just from playing Valley on beta2, ive played pubs and a 4v4 [infantry + transport vehicles for the last obj only] on it, ive yet to play a 6on6 on it but it cant really be much worse.

The way i see it is that u need the vehicles to make the game enjoyable for some people and for those size of maps

Rant off
cool, so they will all come back to et!!!!
oh cmon.. i'll miss some, especially a italian rifle..
i'll mis saSHa :D
ära ilgu jobu
ma teen sulle kurja siin raisk
Its shit
this is not wolfenstein!
but the map really sucks indeed, sewer was cool, but this one sucks :/
it's shit
after playing beta 1 i wont try beta 2 :)
omg, am i one of the 1% of etplayers who actually like that game? :X
me pumu and viax are there too!
Only the ET Lowskillers like it :)
ya, im unique
lets make an et:qw team
i played a 4v4!

from what ive played so far, it hasnt been good.

i cant really explain it but the feel of the game doesnt feel good. Could be my pc/connection/beta but it just doesnt feel good. It feels slow and fat, dno how else i can explain it.

this is one of the few games that i played that i didnt really enjoy playing from the start, i liked quake3 as soon as i installed it, liked quake4, liked warsow, liked cod1/2, liked bf2142, liked css, liked bf2 even, the majority of games that i tried, i liked from the start. ETQW is one of the few games i didnt like at the start although it is the only game that ive tried at beta stage. Look on the brightside, it can only get better, ill still buy the full version, hoping that the netcode is fine, that my pc can handle the game, and that the game itself feels smooth.
never played it, but lookin at the screenshots are ur guys comment.. dont think i wanna ;s but considering rtcw2 is kinda fucked up atm, wt else now? :O
so ive been told after i made the journal :P
3v3 on fueldump is a more accurate analogy imo :0
you're just upset because you got the newbie award instead of me! and you even have more fps! 8<
when i shoot it goes down to 10!
same, but i only have 20-25 if they don't shoot :XD
hate it or love it
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